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Glossary of Terms & Acronyms


  • Bangmaid - A woman that is treated like a second mommy you can also sleep with by an incompetent immature man who has little respect for her. This is the ideal role most LVM are looking for women to fulfil.


  • Bitch - A confident woman that knows her standards and refuses to lower them for any man. If a man tries to give her less than she deserves, she politely shows him that he is replaceable. Contrary to popular belief, this is a compliment instead of an insult.


  • Big Dick Energy (BDE) - A certain aura emanating from a male that indicates he'll deliver an unforgettable sexual experience. Men with BDE don't have a fragile sense of masculinity, and are not insecure - they are used to dealing with confident women. BDE men are observant and intuitive, which indicates they read body language well.


  • Bread Crumbing - When a man gives a woman just enough attention to keep her hope of a relationship alive, but doesn't follow through.


  • Cool Girl - A woman who defines her value by how different she is from other women in order to gain the attention of men.  Cool girls love doing things "just like the guys do" and are "not like the other girls".


  • Cockholm Syndrome - A woman who is so male identified they defend the worst men beyond all logic or reason. These women are actively self harming through their relationships with men. 


  • Drive-by Therapy - When a new man you're getting to know tries to use you as his personal therapist to forge intimacy fast before jetting off with his ego freshly stroked. Sob stories may or not be real, depends what mood he's in.


  • Fake Vegetable State - When a grown man suddenly reverts to the state of a vegetable when you ask him to do something, so you will do it instead.


  • FWB - Friends with Benefits


  • Forever GF - A marriage minded woman who has already given away full platinum wife benefits to a man who has not yet produced a ring....even after nine years of nagging and waiting for him to propose. The ring was a carrot he was never going to give her.


  • Gaslighting - a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgement, often evoking in them cognitive dissonance and other changes such as low self-esteem.


  • Ghosting - the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication.


  • High-Value Male (HVM) - A man that is respectful, loyal and faithful. He loves to show his woman that he can provide - he pays for dates and a relatively higher proportion of expenses in the relationship. A man that is confident, consistent and reliable. These type of men take care of their body, face and physical appearance. HVMs care about their partner's happiness and sexual pleasure. The HVM exhibits the mate guarding instinct; however, he does not force monogamy on a woman - he will wait until she is sure that his offer of commitment is a good idea. These men LOVE competition and understand that a woman can entertain multiple suitors until commitment is established. Instead of being offended that she doesn't zero in on him in the early dating stages, he takes this as an opportunity to show her why he is the best.


  • HVW - High-Value Woman


  • LVM - Low-Value Male


  • LVW - Low-Value Woman


  • LTR - Long-Term Relationship


  • LVM Tailoring - Verb used to describe when a man asks questions such as 'what's your ideal date?' or 'what's you're ideal guy?', 'what are you looking for?' too quickly. The questions are often made without truly making a genuine, attempt to get to you know you. These are very insincere, low effort questions he'll test on multiple women at a time to see who bites the bait. He is looking for you to hand him the "cheat sheet" fast so he can speed up the process of reading you, and is tailoring himself to mirror what you're looking for in a man. The purpose of this strategy is to get your guard down and get into your pants quicker.


  • Negging - Low-grade insults meant to undermine the self-confidence of a woman so she might be more vulnerable to a LVM's advances.


  • Negative-Value Male (NVM) - A male that subtracts value from your life. He leaves your life worse off than before - these are men that women should avoid at all costs. Even Pickmeisha's deserve a better fate.


  • OLD - Online Dating


  • Pick Me/Pickmeisha - AA woman who degrades herself and her value for the fleeting attention of men. Pickmeishas want the attention of the opposite sex so badly, she'll throw her fellow woman under the bus. They are frequently found engaged in upholding misogynist cultural norms.


  • Performative empathy - When a man makes 'statements of vulnerability' too fast to get your guard down so can forge a pseudo intimate bond faster and trick you into trusting him before you truly know him or his intentions. This is a well known Pick Up Artist technique and is also commonly used by LVM so they can get you to reveal your weak-spots somewhere (family abandonment, insecurities, past mental health problems etc) and mirror himself as the perfect anti-dote. Ask yourself, what's the rush in him telling you this very PERSONAL information so fast if he's sticking around? The average man is pretty awkward when it comes to letting a female in on his emotional vulnerabilities and deepest darkest secrets - stay suspicious if he seems to be willing to do this WAY too early on.


  • Penis Pass Denied - Refusing to let a man off without actual consequences for illegal behavior. Example: Calling men out for their misogyny when they use post-nut clarity as an excuse for bread crumbing (also defined above).​


  • Red Pill Woman/Women (RPW) - A woman that accepts sub par treatment from men and believes her value is in her youth. She places her man's interests over her self-respect and dignity because she is afraid of being alone. Her behavior is controlled by fear and low self-esteem. The worst of patriarchy and liberal feminism is manifested in her behavior. Typically believes a woman that works full-time should rush home to prepare dinner for her husband and look after the kids. Thinks she should go Dutch on dates because "EqUaLiTy" but fails to ask for help when her husband comes home after work and sits on the couch with a beer.


  • Scrote - Generic name for men, but generally in perjorative reference to LVM, NVM, and ZVM.


  • Scrotation - a rotation of suitors you are currently dating, but are not in an exclusive relationship with. Scrotating is the act of having multiple suitors simultaneously. Ideally a woman is not having sexual relations with suitors during this phase, and is instead assessing their value as a romantic partner.


  • Small Dick Energy (SDE) - A certain aura emanating from a male that indicates he'll deliver a sub par sexual experience and is probably insecure. Men with SDE are the lazy 'sloth' type, are too serious/lacking an actual sense of humour, immature/childish, and entitled. Men with SDE boast about how good in bed they were or how they made their ex do X, Y, Z in a feeble attempt to capture their prey. SDE men are easily offended (they know you are out of their league) and make wild claims to artificially inflate their value.


  • The Manosphere -  a collection of predominantly web-based misogynist ideologies.  The manosphere has been associated with online harassment as well as some mass shootings and other real-world acts of violence, and has been implicated in radicalizing men into committing violence against women.

    • Movements within the manosphere include:

      • ​MRAs - Men's Rights Activists

      • MGTOW - Men Going their Own Way

      • PUA - Pick Up Artistry

      • TRP - The Red Pill


  • The Red Pill (TRP) - A haven for low-value male scrotes that rely on supplier-induced demand tactics to get laid once a year. The men in this subreddit never received the memo that using their wealth, education and status to justify their superiority over women doesn't make them more attractive - more often than not, these males are weeded out of the gene pool. A bitch will at most go on one date with a TRP man before replacing him with a more worthwhile suitor. A date with a TRP man and a bitch usually ends in her making an excuse to end the date early and subsequently ghosting him by blocking him on all platforms.


  • The Wall - The Wall refers to the proverbial wall a man hits when they reach a certain age; characterized by a sharp decrease in physical appearance and attractiveness; can be self-inflicted through lack of looksmaxing, sex, or merely a pre-programmed genetic inheritance of MPB (male pattern baldness), low T (low testosterone), and ED (erectile dysfunction). Some conditions may cause the wall to accelerate and arrive sooner than expected.


  • Zero-Value Male (ZVM) - A man that adds absolutely no value to your life.


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