Men who lie about being gay/ abused by a woman as a child?
Idk a few years ago a guy lied about being gay to gain my trust and now recently. I guess this is more common now?
And the past 4 months? 3 different men all told me very soon after meeting me that they had been sexually abused by women.
Guy #1 said a woman raped him and gave him chlamydia, but idk these guy love bombed me and told a bunch of lies, he said this on a casual Date getting drinks
Guy #2 said his mother sexually abused him as a child and we went on 2 dates and my intuition thought he was lying about everything finally caught him over exaggerating or being extremely delusional about money, he also kept doing intense eye gazing? To the point where it seemed to be a PUA tactic
Guy #3 told me he was gay and a women abused him as a child since he was 2 years old and he has CPTSD he gave such creepy vibes at times but we met at a religious event/ retreat
He then the last night tells me he was attracted to a trans man (a girl) in high school and that she falsely accused him of rape and that he doesn’t like rape? And laughs so creepy I also caught him glaring 3x times at me like a full on psychopath
I guess with men under 30 claiming women are sexually abusive is a lie that goes well with modern feminism? There’s a reason most parents don’t let men babysit children. I really hate this I act compassionate at first and fall for it but i know there lying so disgusting and very manipulative. I can’t find anything about this online only about men lying about being victims of DV
I just don’t know how to process this and feel like such a target for creeps
Whenever a man (especially a stranger online) claims to have been raped, its safe to assume he's lying.
One way you can tell - these men always claim to have been raped by women. Women dont fucking rape men. MEN rape men. Fucking morons.
I'm convinced the men who're desperately trying to spread the narrative that women commit rape just as much as men do but "the menz be too embarrassed to come forward 😢" or that it's only the disparity between physical strength that keeps us from attempting it as frequently don't actually think they're at any real risk of being sexually assaulted by a woman, and probably wouldn't really mind it if they were. They're just desperately trying to peddle the myth that female sexuality is every bit as predatory, coercive, and opportunistic as theirs in order to feel like their depravity is intrinsic to humanity in general rather than a flaw exclusive to their own sex
If a man you don't really know tells you shit like this it's a sign to cut him off. Victims of SA doesn't flex with it to strangers. Would you tell a man you just met you were raped?
There's very simple reason why they say things like this: they are trying to see if you ignore obviously socially unacceptable behaviour ( trauma dumping to near strangers) and put down a story that will be their alibi for doing more unhinged things (like cheating on you). Don't even start me with how wonderful emotional blackmail material this is going to be, because trust me, you will be hit "you are just like my rapist!" If you try to set up any boundary.
Tldr: 🚩, avoid, abort mission.
I've never had a man tell me he had been abused by a woman. However men (I barely knew) have told me sob stories and every single one of those sob stories turned out to be false. For this reason I don't believe sob stories told to me by men unless it's a man I've known a long time and have vetted. If a man I barely knew told me he'd been assaulted by a woman, I would just assume that he was lying for some nefarious reason.
Even if the guy is genuine, he shouldn't be trauma dumping on strangers or aquaintances. He should see a therapist. Helping someone with SA is above the pay grade of most average people.
to me, men are guilty until proven innocent. they lie all the time to manipulate people, especially women. they would totally lie about those things in order to gain your compasion and make you let your guard down. and then if they act creepy, you'll think "welp, he's traumatized because XYZ happened to him, so that's why he's acting strange."
how does a woman rape a man? the only ways i can see that happening is 1) she drugs him and does it while he's unconscious or 2) she lies to him on order to get him to sleep with her (i consider that to be a form of rape).
men are so desperate to be the victims when they know full well they are always the ones who hold the power in society.
do. not. trust. men.
This is why the whole "male victim" lie needs to be forced to a stop.
Men can never be victimized by women. When a man lies and says he's being abused/raped/stalked by a woman, it's only so that he can stick it to the feminists and laugh about it with his men's rights activists buddies.
It's also an insult to a woman's appearance. For example, you have NEVER seen and will never see a man claim to be raped by a woman who wasn't fat.
What a massive disservice to actual victims (women). And you see, when men make these false claims, they get 10x more the support and recognition women get. Women, especially nonwhite or low-income women, can file all the complaints in the world and NEVER be believed, none of their complaints will be acted upon, whereas if some disgusting scrote files a false complaint, everyone rushes to tend to the poooor male victimmm 😢😢 with sad tears in their eyes. Please. The men themselves know it's BS and are laughing the entire time!
Shame on the corrupt legal system for appeasing these liars.
Guys like this are obsessed with victimizing people in general, and need to have a victim card to play to get trust.
Also, most males who HAVE been raped commit similar crimes later, so this particular victimization is a red flag anyway.
Had a guy tell me his mom trafficked him within an hour of meeting him. Turns out he lies about almost everything, and cheats on and beats his girlfriend.
They don't even psychopath right: they can't figure out who the victim is supposed to be!
I see this narrative online alot. At the end of the day, men rape men.
I’m sure there’s women who have sexually abused men/boys too. But it’s not very common.
Especially it being so common with young men saying this, I do wonder if they’ve had trans women rape them. If they’re young they’ll have grown up with the narrative TWAW. so I could see the uptick of women offenders in this discussion. It still fits statistics. Male person raping a male person.
It’s a 🚩 If a guy brings stuff up like this when he first meets you. Even if true, it’s not your job to be his therapist and he may need professional help.
Years ago, I met a guy and he invited me over. I was nieve I believed we wouldn’t be hooking up because I already told him I wasn’t interested in that.
We were watching a movie and he kept grabbing me and all that. I told him no several times and then he tells me he understood and shares his first time wasn’t consensual.
I wasn’t sure what to say because I didn’t know him that well. I asked him, if that’s true he should know what NO means then.
I left; and I kept hearing from him. I was firm in my texts I didn’t want to see him again because he was touching and groping me without my CONSENT. but he excuse was that happened to him so he doesn’t know how to act.
That makes no sense. These men sometimes say things like this to manipulate you into thinking he’s a good guy.
It certainly is possible for women to rape men.
But in my experience, any man who complains early on about being victimized by a woman in a past sexual/romantic relationship is engaging in a twisted form of triangulation. He is saying, “This bad woman from my past did this, that, and the other. You don’t want to be a bad woman, do you? So be a good girl and do everything I say, or else I’ll label you as a bad woman and tell everybody what a bad person you are.” It’s tyranny via manipulation.
Just stay away from these people.