Have you experienced someone bringing up sex related topics early, repeatedly, after you’ve asked or tried to change the subject, or shown little to no interest in it? It may appear they are trying to seem liberal, open minded, and sex positive. This behavior can be a test run for sexual boundary pushing, and an early sign of uncaring and disregard for your consent.
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No, I've never repeatedly experienced this with one guy, because if he brings up sex too soon, he's done. That's the biggest red flag of all that he only wants sex from you. No need to talk, beg, plead, change subjects--just LEAVE, and write him off. You cannot change a man's mind about how he only sees you as a sex object. You can only escape with your dignity.
I've had workmates and 'guy friends' (back when I thought men and women could be something at least similar to friends) bring up the sex topic at any chance. They do it to test your boundaries, to see how much you'd let them get away with inappropriate behavior and of course, to make sure they'll eventually get an opportunity to have sex with you.
Cut them off, they're creepy and disgusting. Shame them for being that way (this has worked with workmates, since I can't block them) and let them know you're repulsed by them. Don't engage in any sexual conversation with men, it's up to no good.
I had a guy on date two bring up New York Dating Rules, which conveniently (according to him) went like this: date one) meet and screen, date two) dinner and see if you're a fit, date 3) have sex. I made it clear I worked by my dating rules, which were "bye bye." And yes, New York Dating rules were invented by a man....
Yes. I told him I wasn’t comfortable talking about that kind of stuff. He tried to listen because he really liked me, but it still didn’t work out because that was a part of his personality and it’s not compatible with me or who I want to be. I’m not sex positive and I don’t think it’s a lifestyle that can make a woman happy.
It's great when they do this because you know to NEXT them.
yes, this has happened with scrote managers in my previous job. i never responded or showed interest so they stopped bringing it up around me. and yes, it was also accompanied by uninformed overtime and micromanagement.
Whenever I’d ask men I tried to meet and ask them “what things you like”, about 1/3 of them would make the conversation sexual. Those would get promptly ghosted. Another third would ask the f/u, “specify”, and I’d have to specify with “pastimes, tastes, media, foods, etc.”
Remember, it's never "just talking" in sake of talking. I learned my lesson hard way... Once they mention sex, and you feel weird about it, avoid them at all costs.
Yup, and it's an immediate block and delete.