Sorry I know this is a joke but I can't laugh at this anymore, doing so deflects from the real issue, male violence. Hope you have a good Christmas Queen ❤️
Sometimes anger is a good thing when it's channeled correctly, we don't have to stay happy to entrain anyone, only ourselves. Not having a pop at you Queen, just a very different experience of life. I'm normalizing anger coz that's what women globally need to do.. the person who down voted needs to look at their own boundaries, not mine.
A women set alight on train in new York by a man she didn't know is dead this morning. She will never see her family again and they have lost her forever. Just coz a man had a bad day and channeled his anger at a person who didn't deserve it.
Sorry I know this is a joke but I can't laugh at this anymore, doing so deflects from the real issue, male violence. Hope you have a good Christmas Queen ❤️