So I matched with a guy who didn't have his profile fully filled in. Not sure if he removed it after I swiped or whatever. The kids part was empty. So I asked him, hey, I only date without kids, and your profile is empty regarding that. He unmatched. Ofcourse he probably had kids.
My abusive ex lied about kids in his profile. Another asshole I dated only mentioned having one kid, but turned out having two. The second was born during his divorce process as he cheated on his ex.
Now, I don't trust single dads as no sane woman would divorce her children's father unless he was abusive/a cheater. I don't trust men who say they divorced her, probably she got mad at him for cheating/ lying and he wanted to get rid of her.
Men with children are worth even less than short men in the datingpool imho.
This has happened to me too! Twice that I know of.
In both cases, they gave no indication on their OLD profiles that they had children. I found out only after meeting them in person. Since I’m militantly childfree and dislike children, I would never have given these scrotes a chance if they hadn’t lied on their OLD profiles.
Men with kids probably baby trapped a woman and now he wants a second chance by having a better woman than the baby mama.