Let me put you on some LVM game: HIMS PILLS.
We know well of our porn sick limp dick brethren, but did you know there is a business (fully endorsed by celebrity athletes such as Rob Gronkowski) that is making it cheap and easy for men to get generic viagra online and delivered within days?
Similar to how we can use online apps to get birth control pills, men, and I mean YOUNG men, are going the same route to be prescribed viagra (sildenafil). 18-35 year old men are now the TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC.
The tea is:
-a lot of young guys are secretly taking it before the first hookup to try to give the bomb D & leave you trapped in the dicksand, or dicknotized 😵💫 make you think he iSn’T LiKe oThEr gUyS and can last forever
-men take it secretly to try to boost YOUR ego (“you’re just so hot it won’t go away”) making future emotional manipulation or psychological abuse easier
-they feel pressure to try to live up to what they feel is “unrealistic expectations set by porn” .. ✨ the irony ✨
-they genuinely can’t get it up because they watch so much porn and physically feel the need for pills for the ED, developing a cycle of dependency on the drug, and a psychological dependency/problem along with it
The pills come in an actual prescription bottle with name and directions wrapped in brown paper pouch with the h logo in the corner—not as “discreet” as advertised.
Why am I telling you this?
If you ever see this package in the mail, or the app on a dudes phone, or the bottle in the medicine cabinet (whatever)… feel thankful for the red flag reveal!
OBSERVE BEHAVIOR. Physically keep your eyes open. If a man pops a pill before getting freaky, or if he’s been leaving the room before sex, or getting something else out of his wallet or pockets while getting a condom, trust your instincts. We’re taught to watch for date rape drugs, but men can be drugging *themselves* & it can become just as dangerous for you! If you are finished but his erection won’t go away… or if he tries to gaslight you old school style like with the old “blue balls” excuse of “you have no idea how much it hurts!”… You are not responsible for a man’s pleasure. You are not the solution to problems he has created for himself.
If a man uses these substances while in his 20s or 30s imagine the health issues that can come from long term use—not just physical, but psychological. :( Other reasons for usage may be symptoms of other issues at hand that are likely best to be resolved prior to a relationship (physical/chemical imbalances) or if he says he’s doing it for you this can be derived from overtly people pleasing tendencies, codependency etc (emotional/mental imbalances).
**People will always have two reasons for why they do something: the real reason, and the ‘noble’ reason.** Men want everyone to see the noble reason (“it’s cus it’s your birthday and I wanna please you for hours babe, we’re just gonna try these once for fun!”) and not the real reason (“I can’t get it up/I can’t keep up with your sexual appetite/I already got off today” etc). Oftentimes egos, especially those of men with personality disorders, lying issues or sociopathic tendencies discussed elsewhere in FDS, won’t even allow the man to address the real reason and will only let him believe the noble reason to prevent the ego itself from being shattered.
If a man uses these pills, Do NOT think this is any reflection on you or your attractiveness. This is just another instant gratification, ignore-your-health-cop-out so men can have their cake and eat it to (porn AND real girls via an Uber eats style takeaway! Nice!). Dudes who can’t be bothered with foreplay love the idea of foreplay in a pill.
Disclaimer: there are some good guys who may need these substances due to age, disability etc and what I’m talking about is not a reflection of the original intended usage audience for this drug. My thoughts are geared towards the documented drastic increase of men 18-35 whom have become the drugs’ leading usage group.
Feels relevant:
A year or so ago I read a thread on reddit where these women were talking about their husbands and boyfriends ED. Talking about their partners stress and depression and whatnot. I was like "damn that sucks but it's a part of nature and ageing gotta learn to live with it" and i started to gloss away and exit the forum, then I saw their ages. 24 and 23. The boyfriend/husband were the same age. It blows my mind. Men can sometimes get scary when their weenie doesn't work. I looked up how many serial killers were porn addicts and was shocked because it was the majority.(and a lot of them were pre-internet porn) I've heard of these young men kinda figuring it out, quitting porn and masturbating so much, but its like they did it too late and the damage was done. I don't care if a random person made themselves a eunuch, but please don't take it out on others. You did it to your damn self just don't be shitty to innocents. Take it up with yourself and/or pornhub.
I hate the her/hims marketing. Why is it all about depression and anxiety in women and boner pills for men? I feel like they're making all problems either sex has extremely black and white. They just want to over medicate and over diagnose all of us.
Age has nothing to do with ED. My partner is in his 60's and gets it up better (naturally) than most men did in my youth. Porn is destroying the younger generation. My nephew is in his early 20's and says his friends have already dabbled in viagra. They have literally rubbed the nerve endings off their junk!
PIED = porn-induced erectile dysfunction is extremely common. My PickMe friend in her 40s who hooks up a lot tells me she has yet to meet a guy from online dating who can muster a normal, functional, consistent erection. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
👏👏👏👏 Great info and makes total sense. I think this happened to me pre-FDS when I made the horrible mistake of casual dating. Handbook content right here! ☝️