I don't mean men who go on 4 hour-long coffees during a week, then plan a second date with the one they like best. I mean men who string these 4 women along, kissing, having sex, future faking and then supposedly " choose" her. Because if they need that much time to see her worth, they'll lose it as soon as someone else comes along who is younger, skinnier, richer etc. A man should be wowed by you after a date or two. If he's not, he will never be. It's not a win to be "picked" from a carousel after you exchanged the bodily fluids of 3 others by proxy.
Not sure why people say it's the way to do it. If a man doesn't see how compatible we are after a date that lasts 6 hours, he's a moron.
Let's be real, we multi-date, that's FDS.
I think it' normal for men to date a few women and start to get to know them, but it shouldn't go on for an extended period, and he should not be sleeping with any of the women. Men should be able to assess compatiblity within a few dates--no extended string-along.