This subject has been discussed here in the past, but I think it deserves a refresher.
The video is about how a scrote will go as far as BEG you to have his baby, he'll promess he'll be there, he'll be a provider and a good father. He'll try everything he can in order to trap you into a relationship (of whatever kind) that will last forever because kids are forever. You'll have to deal with him until one of you die. Of course you'll be the one doing all the work. And if you dare complain, he'll call you selfish and crazy.
How can one know if the man wants to baby trap or simply have a family? It's something that I have been wondering, since it's not that uncommon that previously "good" men do a complete 180 after marriage or having kids. It seems like there's almost no way of knowing which one is it until you actually have children, and by then it's already too late if it's the former. Both can promise that they also take part in raising kids and are good providers, but how can you make sure you don't get trapped?
I saw a video saying a similar message today.
Basically it said that a lot of attractive, intelligent and ambitious women make the mistake of moving in with a man who is not that good looking, not successful and is the type that likes to control people. After moving in with him, the woman often has a baby whilst they aren't married. He tells her to stay out of work and let him be the provider. These woman end up isolated, have no money and is fully dependant on the man. And since they often don't marry new mothers can't share assets. While this is happening the man climbs the corporate ladder and becomes the boss at work. The man then becomes more likely to leave for a woman they perceive as better or more attractive.
The point of the videos story was , don't leave work and don't date down. Basically don't get baby trapped.
It proves FDS' point about not moving in with your boyfriend.
In my experience a lot of men who tries to do that you can see red flags
Talk about babies way too early in relationships
Not respecting your boundaries
Taking things way too fast
Men in their old age too desperate to have kids