So there are approx. 86'400 seconds in a day. To write a message takes what? 30 seconds? 15 seconds? He does have the time.
"But maybe he wasn't one his phone since yesterday!!!"
Sure? Look at those statistics. Don't make a fool out of you. He did pick up his phone. A dozen times a day. He spent hours and hours on his phone. Every day. Looking at p*rn, scrolling through sm, watching yt-videos, texting his friends, checking his Tinder. And so on.
Yes, maybe there are a few hours a day when he is working, sleeping or showering when he is not able to text back. However, statistics show that even during work, most people pick up their phones several times. Most likely, he will even take it to the toilet with him (ew).
So - no. He wasn't "sick" or "ill" or "forgot to check his phone" or what ever stupid lie he is throwing at you. He is most likely just a lazy ass scrote who is distracted by p*rn, other women, vidija games or somen other stupid s*it.
A guy who isn't ever mature enough to take a few seconds out of his 4 hours he spends on his phone daily (ONLY on his phone - we are not talking about all the other screens he is constantly glued to) is a fuckboy you should immediately b&d. He sees you as some real life p*rn he uses for ego strokes or a little chitchat when he is "bored" and wants the attention of a women to get some dopamin rush.
B&D Ladies, B&D.
I agree! We live in an age where communication has never been easier. If someone isn't reaching out to you, it's because they don't want to. When I was younger, I'd make excuses for people who didn't respond to texts or who didn't text to say they were running late. I told myself they were just busy or maybe their phone died etc. It turns out that none of that was true. Those people just didn't care about me all that much. Nowadays I have a zero tolerance policy towards people who don't communicate when they should.