The power and control wheel

After reading a post on here about scrotes outright bullying their girlfriends, I thought this might be helpful. Beware of sick systems in friends, acquaintances, family and employers as well. After I vaguely befriended an incel, I'm fucking done. Dangerous people dip their toes in YOUR waters with bullying, be it passive or aggressive or both. If I get even the slightest whiff of a male or female bully, they're gone.
Bonus vetting question: What would you do if Shit Hits The Fan?
Its a little less direct than "what would you do if you ruled the world?" And a dumbass will happily expose his own depravity. I learned this unintentionally, when a scrote asked me this question, and I asked him the same.
His answer was "enslave people." 🙄 And we all know "people" is Scrotalese for women and girls.
My estranged/soon to be ex husband did every single one of these. From isolating me, financial abuse, using our son, telling me our relationship was "70/30" as in he was 70% and I was 30%. He abused me so terrible post partum and encouraged me not to use my BC and I ended up pregnant 12 weeks after a very dangerous birth. I escaped with my infant son and am extremely pregnant now. He has destroyed me financially, I didn't even have a bank account when I left. Him and his male, scumbag attorney continue to bully me and harass me daily even though I have an order of protection.
When we went to court to work out parenting time, he looked nothing short of a sad, pathetic little man. All of his answers rehearsed. It was honestly empowering to go up to the stand with my huge pregnant belly and stare at my abuser while I recounted what he did to me. When I sat back down, my attorney told me I was a "badass bitch".
I will never sleep in another man's bed again. I will never give another man a second look. I am going to continue to seek justice, accountability, and visibility against my abuser until I am cold in my grave.
Thank you for that. I will save that image and pass it on to my girlfriends. That could be really helpful.
Wow that was a really good read, happy I clicked on the link. Gonna keep this tab open for a while.
I'm not quite sure how to interpret the image. Could someone explain to me please?
The content in the link is extremely helpful.