Hi there! It’s possible many of you already do this, but I’ve found a ton of value by joining my local Facebook group, “Are We Dating the Same Guy.”
Women post pics and first names of scrotes who have lied, cheated, abused, or have other toxic problems, to warn other women to stay away. You can search by name of your latest male interest, to see if anything pops up, and also ask if anyone knows him or has feedback.
Searched up toxic exes. Bingo, they were nearly all there, in red flag glory. Very affirming when I doubted myself. I can also see how far I’ve come with FDS, now empowered to vet!
When randos hit on me, I search them up. Most of the time they’re scrotes, and dozens of women have already posted warnings. Safety.
Occasionally there is a good man posted, and women say they’ve known the guy for years and he’s a good person. Women usually caveat that they don’t know him romantically - but at least you can proceed (with normal caution & vetting)
Confirmation of FDS principles! You’ll begin to see patterns, that guys will say/do anything to get laid, will lie cheat, beat and steal, and deny deny deny. It’s a great education
The group gives me hope that we women are creating a better, safer world by having each others’ backs
Occasionally a mole will report a post and warn the guy. But the admins vet & block these pickmes
You’ll see a LOT of women asking about fugly men. In these groups, you’re not allowed to run down a man’s looks. Hoo! It’s hard sometimes because these guys are DIARRHEA UGLY. 😂
How can we search by location ?