this is such a basic tip but it occurred to me this evening and I wanted to share just in case it keeps any of you ladies more secure:
Have an email you can use when interacting with basically any man in public. So this afternoon I took my child to an activity and the guy signing us in gave me huge creepazoid vibes. I used my normal email to sign up for this event and it contains my initials. He was bizarrely interested in it and I was careful not to give any additional information but it made me think: I'm gonna make an email with no personal information in it. Also I'm going to give fake addresses to profiles like memberships to gyms, crèches. It's just not worth meeting some awful dude in the wild who can immediately access your personal information.
I give men other mens numbers.
Not kidding.
I give these men a google voice number and randomized email I keep up just for this reason. Easy to abandon and create another when needed.
At trade shows the contact info on my business cards is actually the shop general number and email, that we all have access to. Once they realize they can't talk to me directly they keep it professional, for the most part.