Bare. Minimum. My sister freaked out once when a guy I was dating gave me his jacket at an outdoor evening wedding in October. Like hello, I’m freezing to death in a lightweight lace dress here and he has a long sleeve dress shirt on! Finding stylish and flattering clothes that also provide decent warmth is fairly difficult. He was just being nice, it’s not that miraculous.
Maybe it's just me, but i feel like paying attention to someones perfume to make sure you get them a new one when it's almost empty isn't bare minimum. The car yes. Good to get input though because maybe I'm viewing things in ways i shouldn't. I know I don't find sharing a jacket impressive though. More like common curtsey.
I agree with the car. not so much with the perfume. That's not even something I would think of and I've been called a thoughtful gift giver.
Unknown member
Dec 27, 2022
It’s a bottle out on a dresser. Like whiskey in the liquor cabinet you can see how much is in it. Not impressed. Car in garage, still barely minimum. Did he make her lunch, iron the shirt and slacks she was wearing that day?
I personally wouldn't think to do that for someone so I thought it was thoughtful. Appreciate your comment though. Good to keep in mind so I'm not impressed by things I shouldn't be.
This is basic stuff! so sad that this woman is blown away by this behaviour because it’s apparently a rare thing. Ugh.
Bare. Minimum. My sister freaked out once when a guy I was dating gave me his jacket at an outdoor evening wedding in October. Like hello, I’m freezing to death in a lightweight lace dress here and he has a long sleeve dress shirt on! Finding stylish and flattering clothes that also provide decent warmth is fairly difficult. He was just being nice, it’s not that miraculous.
This is normal! Bare minimum seriously.
It’s a bottle out on a dresser. Like whiskey in the liquor cabinet you can see how much is in it. Not impressed. Car in garage, still barely minimum. Did he make her lunch, iron the shirt and slacks she was wearing that day?