Lyft says it is ramping up its efforts to provide women and nonbinary users worry-free rides, whether they're the rider or the driver.
On Sept. 12, the ride-hailing company shared that it will roll out a new feature called Women+ Connect, that gives women and nonbinary riders the ability to request women and nonbinary riders.
“Just for your own peace of mind, the ability to choose a woman driver might be exactly the thing that allows you to say, you know what, yeah, this really is making my life better,” Lyft CEO David Risher told NBC’s Savannah Sellers in an exclusive interview that aired on TODAY.
Nonbinary is a nonsense concept. Men will claim to be nonbinary to get around this safety feature
LMFAOOOO In leftist spaces gendies literally say: "nonbinary isn't 'woman-lite'!!!" Lyft will still get canceled over this.
A real, true safety feature would be to do criminal background checks on every driver and autoban those with SA &DV offenses, while also honoring every. Single. Report. Of a woman being uncomfortable. But
That would rule out a huge chunk of male drivers and expose the crime rate.
Require Lyft to say its drivers are their employees, which this greedy capitalist company will never do.
Unless it's biological sex, it's meaningless. Women should always have women drivers. Men can deal with each other.
If Lyft believes Trans women are women, how will this even work? Predatory male drivers will claim to be women so they can continue to pick us up and harass us (or worse.)
Would love to be able to pick women for rides and for any food delivery. I would use them more often. Much better service and more comfortable. But I understand why women have more safety concerns of their own when doing that kind of work and so it's really rare they will be working for those services especially at night.
Male predators will absolutely use this to "order" a female driver to their house to assault her. All they have to do is to claim to be be "nonbinary" and demand a female driver.
They should say biological female drivers, not "women."
it's about damn time. i just had a friend today claim her Uber driver presented like a convict.