I was dating this scrote for 2 months and we ended up breaking up because the mask has fallen . I ended things because he said he wasn’t sure about the relationship and I ended up things immediately.
Anyways I forgot a pair of earrings at his house and I had asked him to bring them in our other dates but he always forgot.
When I dumped him for not wanting anything serious (which was in a polite way, I wished him the best but I needed someone who was sure about me) asked him if I could get my back my earrings, because they are mine, I like them and I wanted them back. He said “ok I will bring them to you or try to get you to have them back” and then he disappears. Pouff. I texted him again asking about it one week later and it’s been 2 days and he hasn’t even seen the message!
Yes I haven’t blocked him yet because I want my earrings back!
Seriously, this is unacceptable, it’s almost like a robbery!
I’ve been analyzing the situation and I think he probably is doing this to punish me and have control over the situation, since I was the one who ended up things in the first place and I think he wants to make me feel like he was ignoring me make me feel like garbage.
But a decent human being wouldn’t give back my belongings? I seriously think he must have mental problems because it’s a question of being ethically normal to give me back something that belongs to me!
A decent human being also wouldn't waste someone's time by dating them when he wasn't sure about them.
Lesson learned, right? Whenever you hear men say crap like "unsure, not ready for relationship, still figuring stuff out, see where things go", etc., do not expect him to be reasonable (or honest) about ANYTHING after that. Like returning your belongings.
Yeah, he probably does have mental issues because most men do. They only care about their own egos and this is his way of trying to "heal" his after getting dumped by you.