This dip shit flashes his junk at Bikini baristas and when he realized they were recording he drove off and the women posted in on social media. All men and pick mes are blaming them that he took his own life, he’s a married man with a child.
But where is the outrage and sympathy where men earn the trust of a girl and have her explicit pictures posted online or to her parents? One man did that and the girlfriend ended her life as everyone got access to the nudes she send to her in trust.
What you do in private is your business but what you do in public becomes the business of someone else. I don’t feel sorry for him.
Everyone wants to make the lives of the baristas a living hell by sharing their personal details around. Men claim he was wrong but the women were more in the wrong for posting his junk online.
Again where is the justice as compassion for underaged girls who have their trust violated?
I had several request to send nudes to males during moments where I thought we were friends, I never did that because I will be the slut and he gets no punishment nor will I ever get my reputation like it once was.
Even the women who had explicit pictures on her phone for personal use and got that leaked by hackers got the blame too and is called a whore because why have pictures like that in the first place on your phone.
This is why I don’t like men in general.
It’s all snickers and giggles when they get to use revenge corn but when it’s done to them it’s an evil thing to do.
I'm glad this guy got shamed into oblivion. This is how it should be when they act like this. I knew a younger girl whose life was utterly destroyed at the beginning of her high school life because she thought she was sending nudes to her "boyfriend" and he shared them everywhere... She had to change schools, reputation scorched (for no reason, she didn't do anything), all because she just didn't know better and trusted him.
It's obscene what women go through, so yeah... boohoo for this pervert. It's funny how much he couldn't handle the heat, either. He took the easy way out. We get blamed for things we didn't even do ALL THE TIME and survive and thrive. Just goes to show you how weak men actually are and how truly powerful women are.
So he's a sex criminal AND a fucking coward? Good riddance.
First he sexually harrasses innocent women who are just trying to do their jobs and when they publicly call him out he doesn't even have the balls to accept the ridicule and punishment but offs himself leaving his wife and child not only humiliated but also without a provider. What an utter waste of DNA. I just wish he'd done it before he procreated and spread his clearly faulty genes.
i dont get why theyre blaming the women for having a bikini barista no one goes to a strip club with their junk out. the men there know better.
the gooners mom was also witch hunting the person recording the interaction oh and to boot people are blaming the wife saying why did he feel the need to do that was she not satisfying him at home? Like what? Wives have to meet the weird as fuck needs their husbands get on a whim? What benefit is having a husband if I have to treat him like a dangerous dog on a leash? So having a husband is a liability?