In my teens I fell down the red pill rabbit hole.
All the anti-female reddit pages, and BEFORE that, it was and porn.
I also had a misogynistic upbringing, and a misogynistic stepfather, who, at best, had a paternal sort of sexism.
I do my best to look for truths about gender, but the hatred I get from men still overwhelms me.
I KNOW we aren't inferior, but this war they've started is tiring. Them DENYING they started a war is TIRING.
Girl, join the club. No woman has ever been shielded from misogyny so long as men exist. There's a lot of radical feminist influences out there these days and one of them may resonate with you and present perspectives you may not have considered before. Shera7, Lisa Carr (yv_edit), Manifestelle and the FDS podcast on Spotify are my top choices as of late....Feel free to peruse those Are We Dating the Same Guy Facebook groups and read countless stories of the heterosexual woman's dating experience that often play out identically....You'll start to learn how 99.9% of men are all the same and are not to be trusted. They all come up with the same kind of lies and manipulation to the point where it's predictable the more you learn of it. Just remember--anything men accuse women of, is actually a confession of what THEY are doing (or wish they could do.) And they don't fight fair so why the fuck should we?