Buckle up ladies, because you're in for a ride.
You & the man you're dating have been going out for some time now, he has met your parents, has portrayed great qualities, and one day he offers to pick you up from your place to go out on a date.
You agree & the day comes. When he arrives, does he walk to your front door and walk with you by your side until both of you arrive to the car or do you walk to his car while he's inside? Does he open the door for you? or does he open his side first? As you are inside the car, he puts on the GPS for the location you will be heading too. Minutes pass by & you start noticing that he keeps missing the next turns almost. every. time.....unless of course you tell him.
You no longer feel safe being inside the car with him.
You finally come across a red light and sigh of relief. As you do, you look out the window, suddenly you see the stop sign and states the following:
This man has no sense of direction in life.
This man does not care about your well-being. This man is texts and drives while YOU are there.. Yeah forget about it.
This man tells you uses his ADHD as an excuse & tells you that's why he sucks at following direction yet does nothing to help himself out
Thats a sign of danger. selfishness. recklessness. ignorant. unreliable.
But I can assure you this man will drive you to your final destination.
So do yourself a favor, take charge of your own steering wheel & drive yourself out of that life before you no longer have one.
This is a great reminder that men who are unsafe drivers when you are in the vehicle with him, are quite literally putting your life in danger and do not mind doing it. They couldn’t care less that if they crash, the woman is much more likely to die than a man would be, because car companies do not use crash test dummies based on an adult woman’s body, they only use male adult bodies as a model, or child-sized dummies for back seat testing.
If your man gets road rage and tries to “get revenge” on other drivers, he is putting YOU in the most danger, and he does not care about your safety. If he drives drunk, speeds, or texts while driving, YOU are the one who is most likely to be harmed by this behavior.
Do not get in a car with someone again after they have displayed this behavior!! Your very life depends on it.