It's that time again.
How are you going with your progress towards your goals?
Did you set some at the start of the year? Are you working towards goals that are much longer range since before the start of the year? How about shorter term goals? Do you need to review your goals? Are you regularly celebrating your progress? Are you encountering obstacles? How can you support yourself more and more? What is most important to you that you can give time to this year/month/week?
In health, money, career, relationships (incl friendships, family etc), FDS-ing, spiritual, community and/or all and any others that are relevant for you?
Let this be the year you respect, love and show up for yourself more than ever as the woman and queen that you are.
Raise those standards, hold those standards, and blossom.
For me, I have been working on being more effective and productive towards my approach to executing my goals in general.
Amongst other goals and projects, I am working on getting much more organised in my personal and home life.
Feel free to share responses to any of the prompts above. As always, please protect your privacy.
Thanks for sharing :)
Getting my finances back in super check after my dog was really sick last year (he's 100% recovered now, but I must have spent 10 grand for feckless vets when all he had was a gastric bleed that was easy to heal 😭).
Started another 30 day yoga challenge (day 6 tonight). Can't express how immensely helpful it is for my stress and just overall in feeling centered, grounded, and powerful. And oh yeah, I get fit with it, too.
Really taking my rest and recuperation seriously after getting burned out with a masters (and working full time), followed by burn out with the sick dog.
Back to taking weekly baths and hiking on the weekends (couldn't do either for a year with my dog as sick as he was).
Phew. Feeling good to just get back to a regular routine with fitness and much needed stress relief.
Continuously working on upping my standards and practicing my boundaries in all areas of my life.
I also want to read a little bit more over the next few months.
Looking to purchase a home soon, maybe within the next year.