German investigators have uncovered Telegram chat groups numbering 70,000 members worldwide in which individuals share explicit advice on sedating and sexually assaulting women. including women in their homes, mothers, wives daughters, sisters. I’m actually sick to my stomach.
The fact that there are Men on tiktok comments section saying “oh women do this stuff too” “women are unstable” “female teachers abuse and do this to children” blah blah, it was crazy. How they’re trying to deflect. 95% of all child sexual abuse is done by Males. The fact that they’re trying to act like women do shit like this is INSANE🤢🤢🤮 these men are sick and twisted
It is so concerning how deviant they are. And now with the internet and online spaces it's clearly on display.
It's funny that you bring up the "female teachers abuse too" argument, I'd come across that kind of thing earlier today. Aside from the fact that in spite of most teachers being female, the VAST majority of teachers who've abused students are still male
obviously it's deplorable regardless of the sex of the rapist, but one thing that also disgusts me is all the MALES who flock to the comments on any story of a female teacher raping a boy, and these MALES say things like "he was lucky" "wish it was me" "if that was my son I'd give him a high-five and a beer" it is absolutely disgusting that literal rape is so normalized to them, they cannot put aside their depravity and lust. And then it's doubly funny when I see males say "no one cares when the victim is a boy :(" the call is coming from inside the house. It's not OUR fault. Police your own.
Notice how, when male teachers abuse female students (which, again, is the majority of the cases,) not one woman - not a single one - have I ever seen saying "wish it was me!" "she was lucky" NEVER have I seen this happen. I've not seen women say things like that no matter the gender of the victim.