This TikToker recently went viral for sharing his take on marriage, saying that men are usually the main beneficiaries
“‘I always believed marriage to be a patriarchy thing. You’re the first man I’ve heard say it. Men I’ve talked to believe it’s a trap by women'”
“Now listen, the only men who are saying stuff like this are men who are trying to create a fake scarcity mindset on marriage benefiting women”
But in reality, if you look at the statistics, marriage benefits men more than women. Especially mediocre men. Do you know what the problem is, there’s a lot of men out there who are looking for women to take care of them, they’re manchildren, they’re children. They don’t know how to cook, they don’t know how to iron a shirt, they don’t know how to like, do a Windsor knot on a tie. They are very, very miseducated and dumb. They don’t read, they don’t have a career for themselves. They’re not financially stable. There are a lot of reasons why men want to get married. And statistics show that men live longer when they’re married.”
“I can tell you that marriage in and of itself is 100% a patriarchal structure. And that’s why women who are single live longer and are proven to be even happier”
Wow. A man is actually not blaming women for once. I wonder how many tantrums men threw after hearing this.
"there’s an epidemic of lonely mediocre men that no one wants to marry because they have nothing to offer, you know."
That's framing the issue rather nicely. There are so many nvm and lvm who don't even aspire to being mediocre.
I'm in a HCOL city. Less than 1/3 of men here between the ages of 18-25 are fully employed. You'd think they would be in college then, right? Nope
There are huge swaths of men today completely opting out of adulting. They then have the audacity to whine about women not wanting them.
Completely apart from the lack of income and resources, why would anyone want to be with someone who just hangs out doing nothing all day, everyday?