This is a must read!! It was written by the famous Syrian writer "Fadi Azzam" in Arabic as words of wisdom for his daughter. I will translate the best of my ability but I have them saved and read them often. They are very powerful.
- لا تتزوجي رجلاً لا يحبه عقلك .
-Never marry a man your mind doesn't love.
- إذا تعرضتِ لإبتزاز بحجّة الفضيحة أفضحي الفضيحة.
- If you were subjected to blackmail under the pretext of scandal, expose the scandal.
- أخطئي و ﺗﻌﻠﻤﻲ، ﻣﻦ ﻻ ﻳﻘبلكِ مخطئة ﻟﻦ ﻳقبلكِ ﺃﺑدًا.
-Make mistakes and learn, whoever does not accept you wrong will never accept you.
- ﺳﻴﺘﻮﺟﻊ قلبكِ ﻣﺮﺓ ﺃﻭ ﻣﺮﺗﻴﻦ ﺍﻟمُهم ﺃﻥ ﺗﺒﻘﻲ ﻗﺎﺩﺭﺓ على الحب .
-Your heart will ache once or twice. The important thing is that you remain able to love.
- لا يمكن أن تتحرري و أنتِ غير مستقلة ماديًا، من يصرف عليك يحكمك بقوانينه.
-You cannot be liberated when you are not financially independent, whoever spends on you rules you by his laws. (This doesn't mean the man doesn't provide, it means you need your own money regardless).
- الفراغ عدوكِ الأول أكسيه بالحركة، كوني راقصة دائمًا، لا تتوقفي عن الرقص..
-Emptiness is your first enemy, clothe it with movement, always be a dancer, never stop dancing.
- العلم والثقافة لا يعني المدرسة ولا الجامعة فقط، دائما هناك شيء يمكن أن نتعلمه من أبسط الأشياء ولو من مراقبة نملة.
-Education and knowledge do not only mean school or university. There is always something that we can learn from the simplest things, even from observing an ant.
- الرجل حين يُغرم يريد الإستيلاء، على ماضيك وحاضرك، و غالبا لا يهمه مستقبلك .. إحتفظي دائما بشيء لك.
-When a man falls in love, he wants to take over your past and present, and he often does not care about your future. Always keep something for you.
- ليكن لديك دائما مشروع جديد لتبدأيه، الحياة تبدأ بعد الزواج و تبدأ بعد الطلاق ، ما دمت تتنفسين هناك دائما ثمة بداية .. لا تقولي أبدالقد انتهيت.
-Always have a new project to start. Life begins after marriage and begins after divorce. As long as you are breathing, there is always a beginning.. Never say I'm done.
- صادقي الصادقين و ليس المميزين .. فكل صادق مميّز و لكن ليس كل مميّز صادق.
-befriend the truthful and not the discerning. Every honest person is special, but not every discerning person is honest.
- أن تكوني مرغوبة ، محبوبة ، ملفتة للنظر كل هذا يحدث على السطح المهم أن تكوني قادرة على الاستمرار والفرح
-To be desired, loved, attractive, all of this happens on the surface. The important thing is to be able to carry on and be happy.
- الغيرة إن تملّكتك أهلكتك، الغيرة نار لا يبردها أي ثلج أو تبرير، ثقتك بنفسك بداية الشفاء
-Jealousy, if it possessed you, destroyed you. Jealousy is a fire that cannot be cooled by any snow or justification. Your self-confidence is the beginning of healing.
- الرجل أكثر هشاشة بكثير مما تتصورين، والمرأة أقوى بكثير مما يحاولون أن يقنعوك به.
-A man is much more fragile than you can imagine, and a woman is much stronger than what they are trying to convince you of.
- لا تستمعي للنميمة ولا تشاركي بها، النميمة الصغيرة بداية قطيعة كبيرة.
-Do not listen to gossip and do not participate in it. Small gossip is the beginning of a big rift.
- قد يعارضك الكثير من النساء أكثر من الرجال، تحمليهن فمجتمعنا تعرض لعقود كثيرة من التضليل، وكلما أرتقيت في العلم أو العملتعلمي أكثر.
-Many women may oppose you more than men. Bear with them, for our society has been exposed to many decades of misleading, and the higher you rise in knowledge or work, the more you learn.
- لا تقوليها بسهولها و لا تسمعيها بسهولة .. تلك الجملة الساحرة الخارقة التي تتوق إليها جميع الكائنات (احبك)
-Do not say it easily, and do not hear it easily.. That charming, miraculous sentence that all beings yearn for (I love you).
- سيدات الأغلفة الجميلات يبقين سيدات أغلفة.
-Beautiful magazine cover ladies stay magazine cover ladies. (This is more of the sexual side of women on magazines)
- لا تحاولي كثيرًا فهم الرجل، ببساطة لأنه ليس لديه ما هو جدير بالفهم إنما بالتفهم.
-Do not try too much to understand the man, simply because he has nothing worthy of understanding 😂
- شريك الحياة الذي يجعلك خلفه سيتركك، و الذي يجعلك أمامه سيطعنك، أمشِ مع من يُبطيء الخطو لتظلي بجانبه، و مع من يبذل الجهدليلحقك إن تقدمته.
-The life partner who lets you walk behind will leave you, and the one who puts you in front of him will stab you. Walk with the one who slows down to stay by his side, and with the one who makes the effort to catch you if you advance.
- عالم الرجل من قش، و عالمك الداخلي من نار، تكفي نظرة واحدة حقيقية منك أحيانا لتشعلي كل شيء.
-A man's world is made of straw, and your inner world is made of fire. Sometimes one real look from you is enough to set everything on fire.
- لا تتركي ما مات حيآ في قلبك و أكرميه بدفنه و إلا لوثتك رائحة عفن العواطف النافقة ..
-Do not leave who died alive in your heart, and honor it by burying it, otherwise the smell of hypocritical emotions will pollute you.
لا تنتقمي ممن خذلك بل تفوقي عليه و سيعتذر لكيومآ ..
-Never take revenge from those who disappointed you but rise above them as one day they will apologize to you.
Let me know your thoughts queens 👸🏼! I personally love everything he said above. So empowering.
thank you for adding the Arabic calligraphy, it's very beautiful. this writer was high value.
"do not try too much to understand the man, simply because he has nothing worthy of understanding" 💀💀💀
Money is your life raft, education is a door that will never close in your face. Don’t allow that to be forsaken for men.
Men don’t care about your sacrifices, they don’t care what you have done to build him up. If they find something better, younger, beautiful they will leave.
Careers and education stays with you longer than people ever will.
Fantastic reminders! Thanks for sharing ❤️
Wish I had a dad this loving 🥲 I’ll visualize it’s my dad
There is a bit of misogyny in there but some are good advice.
"The life partner who lets you walk behind will leave you, and the one who puts you in front of him will stab you. Walk with the one who slows down to stay by his side, and with the one who makes the effort to catch you if you advance"
Wait, is this meant to be taken literally? As in the way a guy normally walks next to you?
Love these! THANK YOU for sharing them, will save them for later. The only one that I didn’t understand was “do not leave who died alive in your heart… otherwise the smell of hypocritical emotions will pollute you”. Is he referring to those that betrayed you? If so how can that cause hypocrisy?
Saved. Amazing, thank you, Queen!
Beautifully empowering. 🙌🏻💖 Thank you for sharing! Love for you, because I really needed this today 💝
I’m always in awe as to how this community shares beautiful things to empower each other. 💕
I loved this so much. Thank you! ❤️