This is a repost on instagram:
apparently there’s a part two but I don’t have TikTok. if it gets on insta I’ll update Or if one of y’all can find it I’d be super interested!
from what I gather, this girl posts about her life as a stay at home girlfriend in her 20s. I don’t know how many videos she’s posted on it, but one got copied over to the Instagram account above. The comments are extremely interesting. That Instagram account is pretty lib f for the most part. So the audience has a pretty strong opinion on this girl’s situation.
I’m of two minds, of course. My hope is that she was smart enough to have emergency savings in case this doesn’t work out, or that he gives her some sort of allowance that she’s tucking away. If so then good for her IMO
My gut unfortunately doesn’t agree with that hope, and I’m very worried that this girl has gotten herself in a really dangerous situation. Wondering what you ladies think
You don't give wife benefits to a man who is not your husband. What I see is her compromising her career and financial situation and becoming dependent on a man who shows no commitment to her and can (and will) drop her at a moment's notice and leave her with nothing but years of her life wasted while he moves on with the next naive woman. If they were married she would at least get alimony and part of his assets for her troubles.
I was a wife appliance that stopped working properly (endometriosis and a bad attitude to him being a porn and gambling addict). I got a good divorce and was in a strong financial position to move on with my life (I also had a career). My mind boggles at what she’s doing without a ring.
The problem is "girlfriend". She has no legal protection. He isn't obligated to provide for her so it all depends on his good graces. He can hold her financial dependency on him over her head whenever he wants. Even if he doesn't abuse this power, it's playing with fire. There WILL almost certainly come a day where she didn't do all of her "duties" to his satisfaction and he will punish her financially for it. If you do a labor for money exchange without being an employee or at least a wife, you're in an extremely vulnerable position. I bet most men don't get it and think it will all be "fine", but they go off the assumption that their girlfriend appliance will work as expected, and if she doesn't, he will have an easy time replacing her.
I hope she comes to her senses.
I’ve heard of a woman who was dumped by her rich boyfriend and since she was living with him with no backup, income or savings, she ended up homeless and now has to sell the gifts he bought her.
like why even especially without a ring
The comments are interesting indeed. Most women are repulsed at the idea of a stay at home girlfriend (as they should) and see perfectly how it's not a beneficial arrangement for her. However, most are also into the 'girlbossing' mentally, telling her how they do all that stuff + having a job, hobbies and children. Is there a mention of what the men in their lives do? None. It's always the same, women are choosing paths that aren't beneficial at all. They're overworking themselves for the sake of men and family, and shame other women who are choosing another detrimental path that's different than the one they chose... I bet these women also live with their boyfriends who won't ever propose but hey, they're working so at least their careers aren't at risk (yet) Giving all the wife benefits to a man + working full time most be super fun! *sigh*
My point is: it's useless to live with a boyfriend, you gain nothing from it.
Unless she is somehow getting all her gifts in cash or easilly sellable diamond rings or high value commodities, dunno how this ends well. Hope she gets a Ferrari out of it.
This lifestyle seems great but trust me it’s a world of hurt I did it for five years
She needs to grow out of this silly "let's play house" thing that couples do in college. She wants to characterize it like, yes this my chosen lifestyle, like it's a permanant thing, or a real option. But it's not. It's weird for a single, childless, able-bodied person to not work for a living. Not admirable. She seems to lack ambition, and be very male-identified. Great if she wants to be a SAHM. But shes not there yet - she's settling for a scrote who wont marry her. And setting herself up to be dependant on a man, which could have dangerous consequences. Basically, ill-advised and childish.
Tara Mooknee did a good breakdown of it on her YouTube channel and pretty much came to the conclusion most of the commenters here did: