To clarify: this is not my attempt at being an NLOG, or implying that I'm somehow superior to those 'other girls' who don't have standards, or indeed that no other women have standards generally. It's just very clear that this arsewipe doesn't think so.
Yes, it's a phenomenon where many books, TV shows and movies we feed to girls have vapid, one-dimensional female characters. Mostly, this happens with male writers. A prime example is a book by John Steinbeck: his female characters are very minor and not portrayed as richly complex personalities like actual real-life women (at least in the one book I read by him). Meanwhile Jane Austen is wickedly witty and funny while showing the colorful inner lives of women.
So imagine impressionable elementary and middle school girls growing up with male characters who are fun, interesting, thoughtful, and deep, while the female characters are shallow, vapid, gossipy, and only care about externals. This encourages girls and women to make assumptions about the women around them, and to engage in the Pickme dance.
Example: "I'm not like OTHER girls! I read philosophers and play video games just like you guys. Am I good enough for your attention yet?" (SPOILER: NLOGS flex for temporary attention and clap like a seal for more male attention). NLOGs might feel intimidated by girls/women but be kind people, or feel haughty and develop into a male-identified, internalized misogynist type of Pickme. It sucks...
Should've blocked and deleted after shit started coming out of his mouth, his ass must be jealous for that too.
'What tf do you have that other girls don't'
To clarify: this is not my attempt at being an NLOG, or implying that I'm somehow superior to those 'other girls' who don't have standards, or indeed that no other women have standards generally. It's just very clear that this arsewipe doesn't think so.
Sounds like he has nothing going on lol.
Neg = instablock from me, I wouldn't even have replied. Fuck OLD and fuck men.
Aww he knows one Spanish word, he’s so clever and cultured 🥲
Wtf, so aggressive... He has deeper issues.
Men don't like it when we treat them the same way they've been treating us, huh? 🤭
You were supposed to reply to someone you don't even know within the hour? The entitlement.