Some years back, the inevitable had happened. I was to break up with someone I didn't want to.
Making that decision was hard in itself but taking a step forward was not cutting it for me at all. I was losing performance at work. My friends told me I was often lost in thoughts during the day. For some context my friend going through a recent breakup and so pick me that she was dumped by everyone rejected this yoga trick as well. Proof that it is a great tip.
Here it goes:
The day I sent all the text and packed everything to remove him from my life, I booked a session with a friend to do restorative yoga. The very next day, while I was there I told her about the bad aura I had and she immediately told me to feel everything. I could leave them all behind at her studio and she'd cleanse it for me.
I was also advised to rotate studios and it helped me so much. I go every other Saturday, and after especially tiring days and weeks. Mondays and mornings I have always loved and it's great to be back on track. I keep practicing Surya namaskar daily and some other forms of yoga. Supplement it with core training. Leaving all my bad aura behind is a game changer.
The combination of breathing exercises or simply deep breathing and yoga is really a game changer.
Makes your body feel alive even if you happen to get less sleep on some days.
When your body feels so light and refreshed, it really helps in getting your mind under control and reducing overall stress to an extent. Overtime it makes a huge difference 👍
> For some context my friend going through a recent breakup and so pick me that she was dumped by everyone rejected this yoga trick as well. Proof that it is a great tip. This is honestly a little silly. She might have just been dumped by everyone because she's stable and committed but she dated whackos who snapped and dumped her (so she's shit at vetting, but that's not the same thing as being a pick me). There's also nothing particularly HV about dumping people out of fear that if you don't you'll be a dumpee and thus less respectable (that's literally LVM avoidant scrote logic). I'm not saying you did that, but the idea that you have to panic dump to avoid being a dumpee just reminds me of such scrotery.
Yoga's legit af though. I find one emotion that prevents a lot of women from leaving shitty situations is anxiety which is such a physiological emotion, and yoga really helps you release all that.