I remember posting this on the subreddit a while back. It worked for me ;)
You will need:
Purple pen and ink
Lilac paper
A pink candle
A smoky quartz crystal
A google calls number or burner phone (not your regular phone number)
At least 6 men

On a New Moon at 6pm sit in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Turn your phone off and remove all distractions. Light the pink candle. Place the smoky quartz crystal next to it.
On the lilac paper, write in purple ink:
"I love and value myself. I hold myself in such high respect and esteem that I will only make space in my life for the best, most high-quality romantic partner, who adds value to my life. My ideal partner is:
{list the qualities you would like in your perfect, ideal partner, be as specific as you like, include such qualities as character, sense of humor, work ethic, attractiveness to you, skills, interests, values, relationship with family, how he treats you. For example: hardworking, intelligent, kind, active, lives a healthy lifestyle, good cook, keen interest in the films of Wong Kar Wai, and so on}.
May my aura be impenetrable to the negativity of scrotes, may only high quality men be granted the privilege of my association. May I radiate only Queen Energy. And so it shall be.
Hold the smoky quartz crystal over your heart. Read what you have written aloud, then extinguish the candle. Place the piece of paper in a safe place.
Keep the smoky quartz crystal in your handbag, along with the google calls/burner number written on 6 slips of paper in purple ink. Then live your life, take up some new hobbies and attend social events. Whenever you see an attractive man who seems like he might meet your requirements, strike up a conversation, smile and make eye contact (See FDS Podcast on Flirting for tips). Do not ask the man out, simply make a friendly connection. If he asks for your phone number, or asks you out on a date, give him the slip of paper with the number in purple ink and say you just got a new phone. If he tries to call you on the spot, say you left it at home. 💋
You will need to have gone on at least 6 dates with 6 different men for the spell to start working (you can date more than 6 though). The dates should be in a public place, with plenty of other people around (e.g. posh restaurant). Do not tell any of the men where you live, just give a vague area. Do not tell them where you work, again be vague. Do not allow the men to pick you up from your house or walk you to your car. Never go to a man's house or invite him to yours during the first 6 months to 1 year. Do not have sex with any of the men for at least 3 to 6 months. Do not tell the men about each other, but create the impression that you have a busy social life with many different hobbies and interests. You should re-schedule at least one date with each man (I'm sorry that night does not suit me, how about a different night?). Always hold the quartz crystal when on the phone with them. 👑
Stop seeing the man immediately, and replace with a new man if he shows any of the following:
-Porn use, strippers, prostitutes, gambling addiction
-If he criticizes you or your choices in any way!
-If he is pushy for sex or intimacy
-If he is boring
-If he talks over you, is arrogant or interrupts
-poor hygiene
-no job or prospects, poor work ethic
-drug or alcohol problems
-Refuses to pay for dates
-any history of criminal activity (e.g. drink driving, theft)
-pushy for details about your life (e.g. wants to know your exact address)
-If you just don't feel compatible
Simply text him "I'm sorry I don't think we are compatible" and then block and delete his number.
IMPORTANT: Do not pay for any of the dates. Simply ignore the bill. If you feel tempted to pay, clutch the crystal and feel your power.
Remember the spell can take many years to come to fruition, you are all you truly need, know and believe that, have fun and enjoy life 😍
This is genius 😍 I'm not dating, but if I ever decide to, I will definitely be doing the FDS love spell.
Yeah I'm staying away from this occult witch stuff but yes letting a man ask you out works. I don't think I would carry around pieces of paper with my number though like a sales person
It's not about "wishing" for a "scrote", it's about being really specific about the qualities you *actually* want in a high value partner, and taking practical steps to meet (and vet) potential partners, as per the handbook. The 'love spell' format is a bit of fun and humor that riffs on traditional love spells (which any wiccan or new age FDSer would be familiar with).
Not sure this is good for any woman? Energy candles etc into love spells wishing for a scrote. The mind is a powerful thing, energy and neural pathways that must be reinforced should be to our benefit.
We love ourselves... rather go for a jog or ea a steak
This is wonderful! Love it!
As is it written so it shall be !