Disgusting, I'm 20 now and the amount of scrotes who think girls my age like 50+ year old guys (due to their warped pornsick minds, 'manosphere' videos where they say shit like men age like fine wine when guys MY AGE already have receding hairlines and ED due to their broken dicks) is hilarious.
By preferring older men, we mean men 1-4 years MAX older than us, what kind of world do these scrotes live in where young women are lusting over men their father's age? There's the reason the creepy old man trope exists, and for good reason, the sheer amount of men past their prime who think they are attractive to us is just ridiculous.
Men really think they can win my approval by saying "Oh you're young, I prefer them young," who tf do I look like wasting my youthful years on a geriatic scrote trying to play nurse and bangmaid? I read some yt comments on this redpill age gap theory, and they were saying shit like "young women are more malleable. They're not even trying to hide it anymore.
Unknown member
Feb 10, 2023
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Exactly, its so fucking gross! Geriatic scrotes approaching me everyday in the grocery store, pool, library. Why do they think we're flattered by their attention? Urgh! And the worst part is when they shit on older women, little do they know I'm not a pick me and I recognize this is just another strategy for them to conquer and divide women.
And why the hell do these manosphere guys always mention Leonardo Dicaprio when they talk about age gaps? Are scrotes really that delusional thinking they're comparable to a world famous actor who looked better younger anyways?
Even now that I'm mid 30s geriatric men go out of their way to flirt with me, and then always act like I'm the biggest bitch when I shut them down. We're talking 60+ men here, it's so gross and just an instant turn-off. It's like being pooped on by a pigeon, not good luck nor flattering and after you just feel like you need a shower 🤣.
Even in his heyday I never thought Leo was that cute .... My type has always been more of a Peter Steele (in his prime of course). But Leo is just, GROSS. Knowing his proclivities makes the ick even stronger.
The manosphere always brings it up because they wish they had the money and fame/power to get away with it. But they don't and they're trying to mitigate the backlash against these pedo groomers that's finally becoming mainstream, so they can continue to be disgusting perverts.
Unknown member
Feb 13, 2023
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Yeah it's hilarious seeing the scrotes stutter "But...but Leonardo Dicaprio....!"
You're not Leonardo Dicaprio. Lmao.
And if he didn't have fame and money he would just be another postwall scrote trying to leech our youth from us. I'm spending college right now traveling, making memories, working on my career, and partying. I feel bad for the pick me's who actually buy into "the wall" myth and are trying to settle down as early as possible. Couldn't be me, I enjoy my own space and freedom and don't want a scrote to disrupt my peace.
Obviously this is a shitty advice overall but what fucking dream world is this creep living in?
"They can get an education on sex" men still don't know how women's basic biological functions work
"The older man can hook the girl up with another man once she graduates" As if most men aren't selfish as fuck and actually set girls up with other men. As if men aren't jealous fucks who beat, abuse, kill, rape, etc. their exes who try to go on to form new relationships. As if he knows best who to set a woman up with as opposed to herself.
This dude is really telling on himself that he thinks women are just idiot baby objects who don't know how to anything for themselves. Even when I was 18-24 I knew NO women who *genuinely* wanted to date or fuck geriatric men. If anyone was paling around with them, it was literally just to get money from them. There was no delusion that any of these dryer hose dick retirement home residents had anything to actually offer beyond that in terms of sex.
I also find this expectation so hypocritical. He thinks women this age should get first dibs by disgusting old men but then these same "27-35" year old men are the dudes who want pure virginal maidens and complain about women after 25 'hitting the wall' and being 'ran through'.
“Dryer hose dick retirement home residents”!!!🤣 thank you for that. And men say women aren’t funny!
Unknown member
Feb 16, 2023
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Women are hilarious, honestly part of the reason I visit fds is that I know when we roast scrotes is gonna be good. I just saw this on the fds subreddit when looking at a delusional older man post and it made me crack up more than a scrote has in my lifetime:
Like...are they not aware that 20 year olds are only there for their money?😂😂 No 20 year olds in my life are looking to date these antiques lmfao. I actually get offended when these grandfather clock head ass men have the audacity to hit on me. This man- no, CREATURE was leering at me. This thing was old as time itself with his fucking teeth falling out, looking skinny as hell like the goddamn crypt keeper.
They're describing a father figure who is also having sex with them. Gross and pedophiliac. In a better world, uncles, fathers and mentors would actually look out for young women, share their wisdom and resources, but NO, it has to be sexual, of course. Men are so incapable of empathy, kindness and generosity that taking a teenager under their wing seems unthinkable unless they get sexual favors out of it. Ugh! Just one more reason we should only procreate with HVM, so they'll actually be present for their daughters.
Yep sadly I think you’re right. And they cast themselves as some benevolent mentor as in this post. Total cognitive distortions. In reality, they are predators wanting someone submissive to abuse.
"All that body being wasted" -- could any sentence better encapsulate their objectification of us?
"This is how they used to do it in the old days" -- wow, nice slant on history there, dude -- I'm guessing your actual "study-time" has been limited to Matt Walsh and Jordan Peterson videos. Try reading a book.
"Reasons why this would be beneficial for girls" and then four absolutely nonsensical "reasons."
"Give her wisdom" ah yes, because old-scrote advice is just exactly what will help her become a good woman.
"Give the girl room and board" yeah, make sure she's actually in your house and control her finances while you're at it, so she's REALLY trapped.
And that last "reason" -- I can't even bear to retype it -- what the fresh hell is this -- is he a pimp?
Men should need a permit before they are allowed to talk.
This is disgusting and our society has no push back against abhorrent male behavior. Can you imagine writing something like this? Let alone thinking it! Actually putting such a pornographic, pedophilic, manipulative, abusive and grossly self serving fantasy into words and sharing it publicly?
Disgusting, I'm 20 now and the amount of scrotes who think girls my age like 50+ year old guys (due to their warped pornsick minds, 'manosphere' videos where they say shit like men age like fine wine when guys MY AGE already have receding hairlines and ED due to their broken dicks) is hilarious.
By preferring older men, we mean men 1-4 years MAX older than us, what kind of world do these scrotes live in where young women are lusting over men their father's age? There's the reason the creepy old man trope exists, and for good reason, the sheer amount of men past their prime who think they are attractive to us is just ridiculous.
Men really think they can win my approval by saying "Oh you're young, I prefer them young," who tf do I look like wasting my youthful years on a geriatic scrote trying to play nurse and bangmaid? I read some yt comments on this redpill age gap theory, and they were saying shit like "young women are more malleable. They're not even trying to hide it anymore.
"18-22 peak attractiveness"
Obviously this is a shitty advice overall but what fucking dream world is this creep living in?
"They can get an education on sex" men still don't know how women's basic biological functions work
"The older man can hook the girl up with another man once she graduates" As if most men aren't selfish as fuck and actually set girls up with other men. As if men aren't jealous fucks who beat, abuse, kill, rape, etc. their exes who try to go on to form new relationships. As if he knows best who to set a woman up with as opposed to herself.
This dude is really telling on himself that he thinks women are just idiot baby objects who don't know how to anything for themselves. Even when I was 18-24 I knew NO women who *genuinely* wanted to date or fuck geriatric men. If anyone was paling around with them, it was literally just to get money from them. There was no delusion that any of these dryer hose dick retirement home residents had anything to actually offer beyond that in terms of sex.
I also find this expectation so hypocritical. He thinks women this age should get first dibs by disgusting old men but then these same "27-35" year old men are the dudes who want pure virginal maidens and complain about women after 25 'hitting the wall' and being 'ran through'.
They're describing a father figure who is also having sex with them. Gross and pedophiliac. In a better world, uncles, fathers and mentors would actually look out for young women, share their wisdom and resources, but NO, it has to be sexual, of course. Men are so incapable of empathy, kindness and generosity that taking a teenager under their wing seems unthinkable unless they get sexual favors out of it. Ugh! Just one more reason we should only procreate with HVM, so they'll actually be present for their daughters.
My theory that most men‘s fantasy is a daughter they can groom & f*ck sadly keeps getting proven true.
This is wall-to-wall disgusting.
"All that body being wasted" -- could any sentence better encapsulate their objectification of us?
"This is how they used to do it in the old days" -- wow, nice slant on history there, dude -- I'm guessing your actual "study-time" has been limited to Matt Walsh and Jordan Peterson videos. Try reading a book.
"Reasons why this would be beneficial for girls" and then four absolutely nonsensical "reasons."
"Give her wisdom" ah yes, because old-scrote advice is just exactly what will help her become a good woman.
"Give the girl room and board" yeah, make sure she's actually in your house and control her finances while you're at it, so she's REALLY trapped.
And that last "reason" -- I can't even bear to retype it -- what the fresh hell is this -- is he a pimp?
I hate this so thoroughly.
Men should need a permit before they are allowed to talk.
This is disgusting and our society has no push back against abhorrent male behavior. Can you imagine writing something like this? Let alone thinking it! Actually putting such a pornographic, pedophilic, manipulative, abusive and grossly self serving fantasy into words and sharing it publicly?