Have a male cousin who I'm pretty close to. We've been through some things together. We have some very long and deep conversations. He has seemed like a good man. Been with the same woman for a long time and they have several children together.
He calls me and tells me that he has started a trucking company. He proudly shows off several new trucks, talking about how he's already got business, with contracts lined up. I congratulate him. I think that that's great.
About a week later he texts me again that he's moving. The first thought that enters my mind is that he's bought a new house. He's got all this money lined up from the trucking company, so now he and his family are moving up in the world and he's putting them in a new house.
But no. He's telling me is that he's leaving his wife and children. He's moving up in the world all right, but he's decided that he's going to do it alone. When a man's needs change his woman changes. He's a big shot now, he's got his trucking company, he no longer needs the wife and kids.
I've seen men online confessing that they're leaving their wife over a trifle - Because he lost weight. Because he got a raise. Even saw one man who was leaving his live-in girlfriend because he grew a beard. He thought he looked so handsome with his new beard he could get a better looking woman.
Men will trade us in the instant they think they can "do better."
Exactly. And this is why we never date men who have not leveled up in their own minds. No man respects Barb the Builder.
and they have the audacity to accuse women of being disloyal and call us hoes and then get mad when women leave their husbands even if it was for a good reason.
Also imagine if a mother decided to leave her husband and children for a better job opportunity or a better lifestyle...do you think society would turn a blind eye like they do for deadbeat dads or would they demonize her to oblivion...
It never ceases to amaze me how much men project their immorality onto women. Women are not the ones "still looking" while deeply in relationships or who leave loyal, supportive partners when they level up. Yet we're the ones accused of disloyalty and wandering eyes. Sorry you had to learn this about your cousin, unbelievable.
Every rapist, pedophile, and wife beater is someone's precious baby.
Watch any Soft white underbelly podcast story of any woman that has been trafficked. The common story is being molested, manipulated, abused or sold into sex trade by men in the family(or a close male friend who is trusted)
100 percent. My two brothers and Dad are some of the worst men i know. And they wonder why i'm not interested in marriage or having kids. These men were my example.
I hope you stay in contact with the woman and children, they're still family.