Men want women to feel afraid of them. Then cry NOT ALL MENS 😭😭😭😭 when we're either afraid or take measures to protect ourselves.
I'm watching videos on brands and tips for using pepper spray..and ofc scrotes in the comments went full circle saying "NOT ALL MENS ARE SCARY", "just don't buy pepper spray", "what's your little pepper spray and punches going to do against a big crazy guy 🤪?", "women ☕"
They think our fear is funny, want us to walk around completely disarmed, but then get ass hurt when we take even more measures to avoid them?
I'm convinced most men are born with single digit iqs. They want women to leave behind every single instinct of fear and self protection we have as they subtly make themselves threatening and make sure to remind us that they can hurt us at any moment..
I've had scrotes tell me shit like this directly. Saying things like "you're so, skinny I can break you arms if I wanted to", "you're lucky I'm not that kind of guy" or even randomly telling me they want to tie me up in their basement
Then, like absolute smooth brains they are, they get offended when I stop fucking talking to them. What did they expect? They always end it with "bUt I WaS jOkInG!!!".
Who cares? If I go along with it and then die, someone will blame me and say "wElL ThE SiGns WeRE tHeRe iT WaS hEr fAuLt FoR sTiCkIng aRoUnD aNd ChOoSiNg a NoT NiCe GuY uNLiKe mEEeeE"
They want to abuse women but they don't want women to be aware of how dangerous they are because it reduces their access.
They want the freedom to abuse women without the risk of retaliation or injury to themselves.
Predators are very egotistical. They get ego boosts from women being terrified and defenseless. Their egos take a major blow when their prey gets angry and injures them.
The men you see in those comments are predators. They comment on womens self defense videos so women will read it and think "What's the point, I'm defenseless as a woman no matter what. I might as well do nothing and rely on men for protection."
Those predatory men comment on feminist spaces/rape survivor support groups because they want women as a whole to put their gaurds down. They want to guilt trip women for their survival instincts, pattern recognition, inner rage and bad gut feelings because it's "bigoted" or "misandrist."
They're basically trying to weaponize womens empathy for their own benefit.
It's also not enough for misogynistic predators to rape. Predatory men protect other predatory men. They work together as a group to have power over women and children as a whole. Predatory men don't only get off on raping women, they get off on knowing other men are raping women as well.
Sexual predators only care about the well-being of themselves and other sexual predators. That's it. They don't want their prey to hurt them. They're the snakes that don't want their mice to bite back. Predators in the wild choose the low risk easy targets. Like the old, young, injured, disabled, small, asleep, alone, slow, cornered and passive ect.
In the wild even if a predator has a size, number and strength advantage the predator is still very unlikely to choose or keep going after a target that has the potential to cause severe pain or injury to them. A large predator will always choose the injured baby fawn or elderly blind cow over a porcupine, angry relentless badger, angry mongoose or a skunk backing up on them.
Predators are ruthless if they can get away with it but they also have strong self preservation instincts. They're cowards. No man wants to be pepper sprayed, bit, stabbed, hit with a hammer, kicked in the groin or given a bloody nose. It doesn't feel good no matter who does it to them.
I mean come onnnn. 🤣 If large feral predatory animals with generations of fighting experience can be detered by stuff like that then why should we not expect men who play video games and watch porn all day to react the same way? Nope. Doubt ❌. They're just mad and bluffing.
Honey badger
Honey badger 2:
honeybadger 3:
These men are not dumb. They're using gaslighting, negging, weaponized incompetence and other kinds of manipulation tactics in an attempt to "keep women in their places." They want as many options as possible.
This is why women need to be ruthless and stick together. We need to be like the honey badgers, porkupines, skunks and mongooses. Ruthless, hyper vigilant, skeptical, strategic, angry, hyperaware, adaptable and stubborn.
Ugh, I hate it when men think they get to have an opinion on how I manage my personal safety (and, let's face it, any other facet of my life). I don't have the "you're overreacting!" men in my life, but I do have the ones who lecture me on how I shouldn't feel safe in a given situation, in an environment that they don't even live in (but I do), or tell me I "need to get a gun" as if I haven't already given that due consideration and as if they have to advise me when I never asked them to. Also it's such a tell. They know men are dangerous even while they claim they, personally, are "not like other men."
Whenever a man says "BuT I was JokiNG," then he MOST CERTAINLY was not joking. As the saying goes, there is a truth to every joke
They want to rape some women, and come off as protectors to the women they "like." (men do not actually LIKE women, btw).
And when women DO take precautions they're the first to cry "Misandry" and blame feminism making women distrust men, rather than their own predatory scrote actions