Incel scrote deliberately travels to Thailand to knock up random Thai women and then abandon them 6 months after he finds out they are pregnant because they can't abort after 6 months. He won't even pay child support, leaving the poor women up the creek without a paddle.
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and again:
and again:
and again:
and again:
and again:
and again:
and again:
and again:
and on and on and on.
Stay away from single white men who travel to Asian countries. Period.
See how all these morons whining about being an incel or the "male loneliness crisis" would act if women fixed it like they are trying to demand we should? Look at the outcome! Immediately using women. Still hating women. Not grateful at all. Men deserve to be lonely.. Btw when they say "lonely" they usually just mean not enough women throwing themselves at him for sex. Most men like this are sociopaths who can't connect to anyone but other incels.
I REALLY hope the thai police/authorities see this. he's such an idiot for posting his face all over the internet and outing himself.
Thailand needs to catch up with Colombia. Worthless scums like him deserve the Colombian treatment 😂🤣
First of all, ew. Second, I love how men accuse women of being welfare queens but it's really them just projecting and this demonstrates that.
I'm sorry, but why would anyone waste even a second on a forum like that?
Please don't do this to yourself and your mental health.
I sometimes wonder what Thai women see in these scrotes. I know, I know the men are scammers and the women are probaby poor and desperate but damn... who looks at that man and doesn't think "Ew, hell no."?
If you're going to sleep with a white guy in the hope that he gets you out of poverty or takes you to the US there must be better looking ones. Or at least OLD ones so you won't have to look at that disgusting creature for very long before he croaks.
And what's up with the bunk bed in the background of that photo? If he lives in what looks like a cheap youth hostel, he isn't even wealthy enough to justify some desperate girl ignoring his fugly face hoping he'll at least provide for her.
@flamelink7 Can you please report this to the police in both countries, and the respective embassy in each country?
I cannot. Can we unironically add trigger warnings to these? I think I might take revenge on a random male
This is a good reason for the death penalty
It's funny when they call everything "cope", yet they worship our vaginas and will do anything to sleep with us lol.