So like we broke up in 2020 during the pandemic.
At the time, he didn’t care about me, and I had to beg for his attention. I finally got a wake up call and broke up with him. The relationship was like 5 months.
It was very one sided. He liked it when I was in a position where he had the upper hand in all aspects of my life. It was very damaging to my life career wise and academically. He would play mind games and twist my words against me. I was stressed all the time and had a bad relationship with my parents because he thought it was weird that I was close to them. When we were together I didn’t feel safe, but told him I trusted him out of fear that he would get upset and get tantrums. He was always saying that he wanted to break up with me and that kind of loomed over my head, and I wanted him to stay so I did everything to make him happy (🤡 moment). He was like my first relationship, and I didn’t want it to fail because I was so in love with the idea of the epic love story down the line.
Long story short, I worked up the courage to break up with him he refused to hang out with over zoom and wante to chill with “his boys”. He said that I was never going to find anyone as accommodating as him (I would later on discover that to be not true). He had a tantrum, I got worried so I told him we were going on an “indefinite break”. 2 hours later he reached out and said that he had some extra time the next day at 11pm, and that maybe I should think about whethe or not I want break it off with him then. I didn’t reply. He reached out to me a week later and I told him it was over. He said something along the lines of I’ll always think of you and treasure the memories too, but the truth was I was thinking about breaking up with you too. Lol whatever, I should have blocked him after that.
Anyways, so I’m hanging out with my girl friends and I’m in the passenger seat. All of a sudden, I feel this strange vibe that I’m being watched. Guess what happened? I see him staring at me from my passenger window. The stare wasn’t a casual glance. I literally told my girlfriend what happened, and she laughs and scoots her car to the front a little so I’m out of his periphery. What does he do? He rolls up and keeps staring at my window until the green light.
I haven’t heard him from him since the day we broke up. I’ve healed, and I’m ready to find someone new. On the other hand, I can’t say the same for my ex. It’s crazy how he treated me like trash when we were together, but now is trying to catch a glimpse of me all these years.
Ugh I’m so sorry you had to go through that with him. You did the right thing cutting him off, and he’s clearly still not over it. I’m impressed you’re already into FDS with your first relationship just a few years ago. Wishing you much much better than this guy!