Sometimes when I get lonely and wish I was in a relationship- I see posts like this and thank the lord every day that I found FDS to remind me that it's infinitely better to be alone than to be in a "relationship" like this one.
Translation: “I am obese. My girlfriend is fit and beautiful. I resent her because I know she can do better than me. So I punish her through petty cruelties. Eventually I will either pull her down to my level or drive her away. AITA?”
This has to be the answer. I immediately figured "troll trying to induce rage" but OP is simply a fat asshole.
Unknown member
Mar 08, 2023
She should dump him immediately, as I'm sure this vibe spills into other aspects of their relationship.
I would be extremely turned off if a man acted this way. Ladies: if your boyfriend gives you this kind of vibe, dump him. Do not wait months or years. Do not negotiate back and forth. Small, unchivalrous actions may seem trivial, but I've learned the hard way that if he's a scrote about the small things, he will absolutely be a scrote about the big things.
1. Doesn’t have a car2. Is out of shape3. Is an inconsiderate piece of shitAnd he still got a girlfriend who is fit and dresses nicely. But poor men have it so haaaard 🎻
How could you not let your girlfriend who is wearing stilettos sit down. He Says he doesn’t understand but men know shoes like that hurt our feet and it doesn’t matter because you should always let your gf be more comfortable.
Men love pretending that they're perplexed by womens clothing. He's lying. He 100% has a general understanding of the difference between stilettos and block heels.
They always pretend to be so dumb. And you know for a fact he likes when she’s done up nice wearing her heals and nice clothes because they always want to show off to other men.
I hate men who get hung up on these "technicalities" instead of just doing the kind thing. They love being "right", not doing the right thing. Similar to men who justify their preference for teenagers with references to the legal age of consent in their state. It doesn't matter, dude! What matters is that you're a selfish jerk who believes women exist for your entertainment only. This guy's girlfriend does "her job" by being fit and wearing nice clothes, in his mind, so why should she be allowed to complain? He is the poor one here, who can never have enough and is perpetually denied the "easy mode" that attractive women (and men) supposedly live in. Why can't she see that he's just taking what is rightfully his? Ugh. I've met so many men like this. They feel slighted by the universe and everyone else has to make up for it. They have to be in exceptionally good mood to be generous or kind or put their own needs aside for a moment.
"It doesn't fit the current legal definition of rape" or "It won't get you convicted for rape because there is no way for her to legally prove it was actually rape" don't mean that it wasn't rape.
But you know... that's an argument as old as times.
You described this unattractive attitude perfectly. I have had men tell me I was objectively wrong for having personal preferences. I would even be "wrong" if I knew I did not like/want something. If a man is not considerate of your comfort, he basically doesn't give a sh*t about you. Some of them turn the knife by caring (or pretending to care about) their "friends" or friends girlfriends more. Example: using polite niceties with them but not you, as the girlfriend.
This reminds me of a conversation I overheard in high school (32 years ago! It just stuck with me). A guy was saying to his female friend, "Well, of course school's easy for you. You always get A's." The girl's friend was like, "You idiot. Do you really think it's easier for her to study and do all of her work than it is for you to smoke weed all day?"
Oh I always hate people who have this attitude. They make it sound like you have it sooo easy because you have/get "insert something good" that they conveniently forget is a result of efforts.
Be it good grades, attractive body shape without pretending to eat salads all the time, you name it.
Does he have money? No he doesn’t even have a car.
Does he have a good personality? No he’s selfish and whiny.
Is he at least physically capable of protecting her? No shes more in shape than him and if anything he’d be a liability and he’d push her towards any attackers so his slow ass could have a chance at getting away.
Does he at least provide validation for her? No, he has a victim mentality and she and everyone else are supposed to provide validation instead.
Is he at the very least not a potentially porn sick reddit user? No.
His next future post. “My pregnant gf keeps complaining about having to clean the skid marks from my underwear. I told her I can’t help it. She says her feet hurt from all the housework AITA?”
Adding that if he makes you walk anywhere in heels he's a POS. Firstly, he is not noticing your shoes, and he should compliment your shoes/outfit. Secondly, if he does compliment you on your shoes and THEN ALSO makes you walk a great distance, he is an idiot who can't put 2 + 2 together, or he wants to make your feet hurt on purpose. I've ruined at least 2 pairs of heels this way. Never again. If he even hints or asks if I'm "sure I can walk in those," my response will be no, no I am not ok to walk in these. His ass can figure something out. and their fundamental lack of understanding that walking in heels may look easy but no matter how well you do it it still hurts your feet over larger (or even medium) distances and they are absolutely not made for really cold or rainy weather, uneven streets, slopes or climbing hills. If I know a date involves walking longer distances that can't be avoided, I bring flats and change into my heels when we get to the venue.
"Tell me exactly where we are going and how far we need to walk there so I can wear/bring appropriate shoes" and "If it is more than a 3 minute walk on a well-paved, even street and I'm wearing high heels you better spring for a taxi" are completely unfathomable to them because they never actually considered your comfort.
This actually reminds me that my POS ex and I were going to a party and I wore heels and the cobbled streets really gave me a hard time. I hadn't known we would have to walk for 20 minutes just to get to the guy's house. I was miserable (also because we had been stuck in the train for almost an hour due to a technical issue) and felt anxious and uncomfortable so I asked to sit down a bit. He failed to make me feel better and so I said I wanted to go home. Of course that "ruined his night".
Men feel superior to women when they see us uncomfortable in heels. He probably loves an opportunity to have her walk all over town in heel because he gets to feel superior to the dumb woman in her dumb shoes.
Translation: “I am obese. My girlfriend is fit and beautiful. I resent her because I know she can do better than me. So I punish her through petty cruelties. Eventually I will either pull her down to my level or drive her away. AITA?”
She should dump him immediately, as I'm sure this vibe spills into other aspects of their relationship.
I would be extremely turned off if a man acted this way. Ladies: if your boyfriend gives you this kind of vibe, dump him. Do not wait months or years. Do not negotiate back and forth. Small, unchivalrous actions may seem trivial, but I've learned the hard way that if he's a scrote about the small things, he will absolutely be a scrote about the big things.
1. Doesn’t have a car 2. Is out of shape 3. Is an inconsiderate piece of shit And he still got a girlfriend who is fit and dresses nicely. But poor men have it so haaaard 🎻
Soon there will be another post “AITA for still expecting my pregnant girlfriend to do most chores around the house?”
I hope they murdered him on Reddit!
How could you not let your girlfriend who is wearing stilettos sit down. He Says he doesn’t understand but men know shoes like that hurt our feet and it doesn’t matter because you should always let your gf be more comfortable.
I hate men who get hung up on these "technicalities" instead of just doing the kind thing. They love being "right", not doing the right thing. Similar to men who justify their preference for teenagers with references to the legal age of consent in their state. It doesn't matter, dude! What matters is that you're a selfish jerk who believes women exist for your entertainment only. This guy's girlfriend does "her job" by being fit and wearing nice clothes, in his mind, so why should she be allowed to complain? He is the poor one here, who can never have enough and is perpetually denied the "easy mode" that attractive women (and men) supposedly live in. Why can't she see that he's just taking what is rightfully his? Ugh. I've met so many men like this. They feel slighted by the universe and everyone else has to make up for it. They have to be in exceptionally good mood to be generous or kind or put their own needs aside for a moment.
This reminds me of a conversation I overheard in high school (32 years ago! It just stuck with me). A guy was saying to his female friend, "Well, of course school's easy for you. You always get A's." The girl's friend was like, "You idiot. Do you really think it's easier for her to study and do all of her work than it is for you to smoke weed all day?"
What a stupid POS. I’m disgusted.
This guy has nothing to offer.
Is he attractive? No, he’s obese.
Does he have money? No he doesn’t even have a car.
Does he have a good personality? No he’s selfish and whiny.
Is he at least physically capable of protecting her? No shes more in shape than him and if anything he’d be a liability and he’d push her towards any attackers so his slow ass could have a chance at getting away.
Does he at least provide validation for her? No, he has a victim mentality and she and everyone else are supposed to provide validation instead.
Is he at the very least not a potentially porn sick reddit user? No.
His next future post. “My pregnant gf keeps complaining about having to clean the skid marks from my underwear. I told her I can’t help it. She says her feet hurt from all the housework AITA?”
What a gentleman
Adding that if he makes you walk anywhere in heels he's a POS. Firstly, he is not noticing your shoes, and he should compliment your shoes/outfit. Secondly, if he does compliment you on your shoes and THEN ALSO makes you walk a great distance, he is an idiot who can't put 2 + 2 together, or he wants to make your feet hurt on purpose. I've ruined at least 2 pairs of heels this way. Never again. If he even hints or asks if I'm "sure I can walk in those," my response will be no, no I am not ok to walk in these. His ass can figure something out.
This is a 50/50 guy. Guranteeee it.
Men will prioritize their own comfort, every single time.
Ladies, just avoid them. :)
this is so sad!!!!
This is up there with men getting upgraded to first class and leaving their SO in the back instead of letting her have the upgrade.
this is why you don't take pity on these fat ass slobs.