You better settle for 50/50 because you’ll die alone with cats. You better learn how to cook and clean for your man or someone else will. Dont disturb him playing video games because that is just as important as paying the bills. It doesn’t matter if he got you pregnant you carried and pushed that baby out alone so you better raise the baby yourself.
Have coffee dates to prove you’re not here for his money but he doesn’t have to prove that he’s not a complete deadweight.
Don’t complain when he doesn’t pay the bill because you can always work over time..
I mean just look how long they have been together, 10 years.. of being a compliant girlfriend. Having a kid together. They are couple goals !
If he can only pay the light bill then that’s fine, and if he can’t that’s fine too, nothing is worse than be a cat lady with a clean house and hobbies that no modern male wants right?
WTF the way he just kept on repeating "You better work overtime" 💀💀💀 what a manchild, he's arguing like a toddler