Also, where was that sugar daddy I was promised? Funny how these alpha bros all have lower degrees than I do. Weren't they supposedly grinding and bUiLdInG an EmPiRe?
Also I've never met a man who hasn't ever had casual sex.😂
Absolutely. Typing this while at a restaurant on my own (my friend has the flu, I felt like eating out) and next to me is a scrote wearing his stupid airpods and caps, constantly looking bored/complaining.
he’s give short man energy😂 imagine being this insecure that he knows he can’t sexually satisfy a woman so he needs to find a “virgin”. Men like that have small D energy and are 9 times out of 10 short too. Their is no Woman who wants to carry their subpar mediocre genetics for 9 months. Lmao and the Woman in the description should leave asap. Free sex and free labour? For nothing. Crazy, women should be charging for their time and labour. Imagine doing it for free for some mediocre scrote.
Everything they think about women's sexuality comes from porn, so they believe female students are always fucking their teachers. Also what the fuck is up with the maths in that post? Women have 200 sexual partners in 5 years and have sex 95000 times? That's 475 times per partner. Men are so stupid and none of them have ever 'settled' for a woman in their lives.
A lot of words for "my dick is a tiny shrimp and I want a future wife who has never seen a penis or had an orgasm so she won't notice".
Any woman who is juggling 27 prs and has 5 sugar daddies ain't dumb enough to play wifey for any of them, let alone a boyfriend. Fake news.
The kernal of truth here is that women shouldnt do wife shit for boyfriends.
Not for the sake of some hypothetical future husband, but for her own well-being.
Also, take it further - a woman should never live in service to a man no matter their relationship. Its always better to be single.
these men are so obsessed with virginity but they act like man whores.
Also what’s stopping a woman from lying about being a virgin?
If I even decide to start dating again, I may just experiment and say I am, just to see what happens
what the hell? And the best thing a man can give a woman is his virginity too. Why is it ok for them to sleep around?
he’s give short man energy😂 imagine being this insecure that he knows he can’t sexually satisfy a woman so he needs to find a “virgin”. Men like that have small D energy and are 9 times out of 10 short too. Their is no Woman who wants to carry their subpar mediocre genetics for 9 months. Lmao and the Woman in the description should leave asap. Free sex and free labour? For nothing. Crazy, women should be charging for their time and labour. Imagine doing it for free for some mediocre scrote.
I’m genuinely confused by these “27 lecturers” comments. Is he implying that women in college sleep with all of their professors?