I came across a thread on Reddit (I know, I really need to stop going there and won't link it here) where men were lamenting that women are only attracted to the top 5% of guys, yada yada, we've all heard it before. Someone made the argument that all kinds of men find partners: men without legs, blind men, men with deformities, etc.
The response? "Oh! Those women must have a nurturing kink!"
A fucking nurturing kink!!? Seriously? Is it so outside the tiny realm of their pathetic reality to imagine someone loving and caring for someone else without getting off from it? Is basic kindness a kink now too? They're accusing these women of having a nursing kink, even though it's men who constantly sexualize nurses (and women doing literally every other job)?
How fucking pathetic 😂 they really do tell on themselves.
Talk about a leap of inference!
That’s what happens when women are socialized to see men as people and men are socialized to see women as objects
Men are trash, period. If the top 5% are less trash, then yeah, women will go for them. That's the law of Mother Nature and she knows what's up with men.
Because this is how men are:
I like the queen who said "my kink is lying on a chaise lounge and handsome men feeding me grapes. No kinkshaming!!" 😂 Maybe we should dub vanilla a kink 🤔
Also, women are protectors and providers. What are males in nature out there doing? Neither of these things.
This reminds me of when guys say "consent is my kink" just grosses me out for some reason like they want to be showered in praise for not being a rapist.
ew hahahahah
they project so fucken muuuuuch
it's so cringey!