Listen I completely understand that many of you are rightfully upset about the elections, but it is very obvious we have some scrotey trolls here who are purposely trying to exhaust us and cause infighting BECAUSE IT IS BENEFICIAL TO MEN TO HAVE YOU BE IN DESPAIR. Giving up on this community because of a few lunatic men who have taken over it is not worth your speed. What do you we say in FDS? IGNORE MALE TROLLS. For men ANY attention is positive attention, even if its negative. Do not engage with crazy trumpers and people LARPing women and making multiple accounts because you are giving them the oxygen they do not deserve. They are pathetic and they deserve stony silence and nothing more.
Anyway, let's talk about something more uplifting. what are you doing this weekend to heal?
Edit: I said what I said and stand firm by it. I will not be engaging in conversation with people who purposefully obfuscate and intentionally try to misunderstand me by twisting my words into things I did not say. I will not be conversing with y'all because I do not want to engage in bad faith arguments.
You are absolutely correct. Moids who were sitting quietly here got very bold suddenly.
I feel like it was more clear on Reddit that FDS was clearly pro abortion anti misogyny. In what universe would FDS stand for no fault divorces being reversed.
I work weekends so I'm about to go out and fill my wallet. $💚$💚$
Also watch out for the scrotes who are suddenly vocal AGAINST Trump and such good allies. They are preying on us.
If the block option were actually functional, that would be great.
Eden lane is a woman, though. She's been here for a long time, but stopped posting for a while. I'm not certain about flamethrower
I'm going to restaurant with my family. I'm looking forward to drinking margaritas and enjoying my restful weekend.
Today I'm going to my friend's house to have dinner. On Saturday the 16th, I'm having a Friendsgiving dinner and she's going to help me cook.
Edit: Who the hell downvoted this? Seriously???
This is pretty troll-y. Those of us who are genuine members here, we fall along the entire spectrum of the political domain. If you fall for the divisive tactics, you are either losing sight of the fact that we share the same aims here, or you've fallen right into the palms of those same psycho trolls who know seek to mess with you.
We share goals and values here. We may differ in the strategy at this current time. I am not an American and I did not vote, obviously, but I still have opinions that would obviously confuse anyone who is extreme far left and unable to have conversations with nuance. If I was American, I would not have voted for the dems this election.
Many people didn't vote 'for' trump, they voted against Harris. Or against the current administration. They're suffering and need a change. By demonising them you fail to see the bigger picture and I include the more nuanced effect it may have in your own life, as a women. Many, many women voted republican. Many who have never voted republican in their lives. This is an opportunity for the Democrats and their voters to ask 'what went wrong'. Instead, so many of you are just falling further into your echo chambers and alienating your own most-of-the-time democrat or previously life-long dem voters. From all walks of life.
Someone who is a little bit left of far left is not far right.
Breathe and try to engage with some nuance. But you don't get to drag this entire community just because some women here have views, perspective or information that differs from yours.
We are all here with the same aims.
We are all here with the same aims.
We are all here with the same aims.