I saw this post which is a great example of why you don’t tell scrotes a man treated you poorly.
All of the comments tell OP it’s not his responsibility to be her first healthy relationship. Based on that logic, how is this poor woman ever suppose to heal and find love? The next man she finds would be given the same advice.
They are ruthless and lack empathy, be the same back to them.
OP's point about how his GF seems to be healed but is now exhibiting trauma responses in a relationship tells me that she is not actually healed and he is likely LV. I wish I could tell OP's girlfriend that it's virtually impossible to unlearn these severe trauma responses while in a relationship. The majority of a woman's personal growth comes from singlehood because we are more resilient and intelligent, and the energy we invest into ourselves will naturally capitalize on these qualities. Any close contact with an LVM will rapidly bring out the worst in us, which is why FDS emphasizes becoming 100% satisfied with our personal lives BEFORE dating.
If you tell a man you were abused he'll just see it as a manual to abuse you. He will think you're easy to seduce if he just acts the opposite of your ex in the beginning, and that you have low self-esteem.
The irony is him thinking his garbage relationship is healthy.
I find it quite unfortunate that men never truly appreciate genuine qualities from women. Whenever they list the things they admire its always characteristics they can exploit. Independent, loyal and beautiful . . .wtf. he obviously just found a woman with low self esteem who gives him too much emotional energy. He's yet to discover that he enjoys it. She's only around because she's too unhealthy to do better for herself.
I smell bs. "When we have a small issue, she argues and drags for hours or breaks up with me" = "I did something to disrespect her, and she knows it deep inside and it is hard to control her" Like, I would not be surprised if a small thing is something related to her son...
I don’t think it’s a healthy relationship. They’ve been together Off and on for 3 months? Red flag.
If he knows all that stuff already. She’s over shared.
She clearly needs time to heal.
ALL trauma must be worked through thoroughly before even hinting at it to men.
Is the scrote also working on his own issues or is he a narc?
How is their relationship healthy lol.