Saw this video today about a woman who went 50/50 while living with her boyfriend. Well, she shouldn't have been living with him without being married in the first place, but ok... I think this example is quite eye-opening for anyone considering 50/50 in their relationship.
Honestly, if any woman is willing to try that for whatever reason (one income for two people in this economy sounds like a stretch), this is an interesting approach IMO. She was clear about her boundries and left when he acted LV. Her mistake was to wait 2 months before leaving. And how on earth were the groceries episode her breaking point and not the mouldy dishes???
I just watched that vid. I love BurbNBougie! And I love a story with a happy ending. She didn't drag it out. She realized the situation and man did not benefit her, so she dumped and blocked. Blissful.
In these hard times when men want to be treated like women, not even not going 50/50 is saving you from headaches. The last guy I was seriously with earned more than 3 times than me but gave away his leasing car and did not get another one, and I was asked to pay some bills because I have no idea what he did with his money. But of course I wanted to marry him for his money, hahaha...I have decided to look for a relationship without marrying and moving in together, I have had enough. I will keep my apartment so I will never have to deal with such bs again.
Uhg, this is so great. and the comments on the video give me hope and life. I'm so glad people can see through this ish.
one of my fav ecomments: "Good 4 her. She not only notice it, she was able to leave without being babytrapped."
and also others calling out his gold digger bs
loved this part in the vid: “After accusing me of being a gold-digger, he plans on making me - a gold-digger.” LOL!!
Most men have what I call "gold digger issues". Like mommy issues, gold digger issues are so ingrained there is nothing we can do except avoid men who exhibit them. There is no debating, there is no counseling, there is no fix. Avoidance is the only solution.
Make sure any man you date does not have gold digger issues, and if you think he does, just B&D.