I found a website last night (I don't know if I'm allowed to post it, but I don't want to post anything religious), unfortunately a very cringeworthy one. It was why single people leave church, and my gosh the uncontested reponses by angry redpilled men who want to blame women for having standards and "being superficial" just f.ucking tore me apart inside. They were bashing American women and telling men to go abroad, and all of them acted so innocent that THEY were not doing anything wrong, that it was women who were rotten. And not ONE person rose to the occasion to call them out on it. Who the heck wants to meet those kinds of men, anyway? With men like these, it is of utmost importance that women DO have standards or else they will end up with monsters like these men.
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You're probably fine to leave the house because those guys probably don't.
Why they assume women abroad have no standards?
Why is this fascination with american men going abroad thinking they will do better? 😂 I think its a bit funny... A russian friend of mine, most ruthless woman I know, its common for them to laugh at how stupid men are. And if they cannot provide for the family, and spoil his woman, he is worthless. Many women from countries that are seemed as "poor" are ruthless... I wouldnt mess with them to be honest. They have grown up in a harsh enviroment, where words dont mean shit, action and money matters... They will not jump on a scrote from US, what the hell...
When they marry someone else from another country they don't understand it will be a worse experience. They are not going to see them as actual people and women from other cultures are not stupid
Get a weapon, go to the range and practice, and then carry it. Mr. Winchester made everyone equal.