So I attended a wedding a couple of weeks ago. I overheard some really interesting conversations between middle aged men. Scotes 45-60ish who were single were complaining about being lonely and sad. They were finding it depressing living on their own without a woman. Some complained about struggling with household chores.
One scrote in particular was a friend of my uncle's back in our home country. He was awful to both of his ex wives. He accused his most recent ex wife of cheating (she did not) and divorced her. He left her stranded in our home country and moved to the US.
Two years later, she's now married to his HV multi-millionaire boss who has moved her to the US. The scrote looked like he wanted to cry when he heard the news.
Now women in this age range who were single were glowing and happy. They talked about what they loved to bake over the weekend and shared ideas. They talked about their yoga classes and weekly ladies Meetups/teas. All of them were part of a women's support group in some form or another. They were just happy and glowing. I met an aunt at the wedding who is single and child free. She's 56 and let me tell you, this women looks not a day over 25 and rocks a bikini. When we hung out people thought she was my cousin/sister not my aunt. She was just at peace, stress-free, beautiful skin, beautiful long hair, and so happy.
My point is all these podcast alpha male scrotes are viciously projecting. They're so angry that women are happy without them. Because they are unhappy without women. They can't live without us. I know this from the handbook but it really is something to observe it in real life.
The masks are slipping en masse. We can’t even say they’re devolving, because if you know your history, politics and literature, you’ll know that this has been male nature all along. Women are waking up everywhere and opting out of dating; seeing older women who are glowing and successful because they’ve managed to evade parasitic males are involuntarily acting as the gold standard for us younger ladies to follow suit. Meanwhile, men are fucking themselves up with their porn addictions and crying about not having access to women and their resources, which they’re inherently reliant on.
This is why I think the ladies here still asking to find ways to pull an HVM are lost in the sauce. We’re living in a different time and place than even a decade ago, but many of us are still operating on the idea that men can still be classified into HVM and LVM. It’s a major cope fueled by the denial of what’s currently happening globally and right in your own backyard, and they don’t want to face that it’s our female socialization still in the driver’s seat telling us #NotAllMen, that we want and need men to be complete and happy.
People say FDS is the only space like this available for us, but if you look on the radical feminist side of Tumblr, certain personal development spaces on YouTube, subreddits for women, in the news and read about the feminist movements in places like Iran, South Korea and China, you’ll see women parroting one value: DECENTER MEN. More and more women are seeing through the veil and straight up lifting it. I suspect the next few years to be important in women’s fight for liberation the more we allow women of all ages to acknowledge and accept that what we've suspected of men all along has been true. We are refusing to be gaslit anymore by their projections and hatred for us.
Males are codependent by nature. Women are independent by nature. But this matrix we are all living in, called Patriarchy, flipped nature upside down by forcing women to be dependent on males by stripping away their resources (to take care of themselves). Patriarchy gave these resources to the male, there by forcing the female to become dependent on that male for said resources. But, now patriarchy is slowly being dismantled! And women are waking up to their innate power. The building of a Matriarchy is slowly taking place right before eyes! And we are blessed to be at the beginnings of such a revolutionary change! Men are the ones who are/will be truly alone without women. They project that onto us telling us we will grow "old and alone" if we dont settle for some scrote. But they are projecting their own inability to survive without a woman. All women need are other women for community and resources to survive. That is it!
we thrive without men. they are always miserable because they can't runaway from themselves.
This is why I never felt bothered when ppl on social media that women will die alone and that they hit the wall etc. It’s indeed pure projection because if men are still in their prime at 40 then why are they so lonely but the 40 year old woman who looks hot gets heaps of attention from men? A scrote left a family members assuming nobody will want her but when she was cancer free she started to pick up her life, she has a 20 year younger partner and now the scrote is insulting her on fb for moving on.
Women can’t win.
Or it could be the the manosphere shot themselves in the foot and more and more women are viewing those videos where they say that men especially much older men want young women and because of their high reach women are starting to stay away from old men.
Don’t be a female simp and let men die alone, they predicted it for us so let them find out the hard way.
The idea of women preferring to stay single than be with men hurts the ego of LVM.
When they start whining like this, I always tell them to just go hire a cleaning service or go to a sex worker. They always look really confused at that.