My friend got blocked from this guy for saying no to his photo request.
Major red flags in so few messages as ye can see and learn for yerselves.
No empathy shown either. Not that she was looking for pity. It was a test to see his reaction.
And he blocked her.
Coz she got attacked by another man on a date before.
He deserves to die alone.
He's a short ass...also he's 39? Wtf more like 50!! Looks like our little scrote has hit the wall so hard that his hair line has fallen 🤣
It's fairly common of men on OLD to stop contacting you or block you once you throw a boundary up.
It's like thanks dude you just did us a service lol
If that ain’t the most pornofied looking fucking face I’ve ever seen. Boy oh boy, it’s all just THERE. The shitty hairline, the scrotish dead eyes, the vaguely greasy vibe to the whole presentation. Gross.
Goddamn he’s one ugly dude
That’s a really rough 39
His first message is copy paste. Always next a lazy, impersonal first message.
I'm presing X to doubt he is 5'8.... men usually add an inch or two on these sites. manlet alert! discarded
If that guy is really 39 I will eat my hat, he looks 45-55
Did she get physically attacked? (I mean about the guy off the dating site that he recognized)
I’ve never used OLD and don’t plan to. Is it not typical to want to see a photo of the person you’re talking to or know their name?
Omg I wouldn’t even talk to him. His whole profile has red flags all over it. Gross