Implusitivity translates to lack of self control and lacking in understanding personal responsibility...which is the bases of psychopathy and sociopathy traits...
Travel buddy means split expenses and have bad sex with a scrote.
Troll them. Troll them hard.
Unknown member
Jun 21, 2023
I'm noticing this too. It's pathetic! They're too inept to travel on their own and too emotionally stunted to commit to a relationship. I have two recent examples.
1. At a speed dating event a few months ago I met two men in their early 50s who wanted to 'retire within the next 5 years' and were looking for someone with whom to 'travel the world'. I'm not old enough to think about retiring, but even if I was, there is something off about this proposition. Do they think we are dancing monkeys with no lives of our own and will drop everything to travel the world with a man we barely know?
2. A friend who has strong pick-me tendencies updated me recently about a scrote who she had been vaguely dating last year who basically ghosted her. They bumped into each other and he asked if she was free right now for a coffee (that's the kind of guy he is - if she happens to be around, he'll ask her out, but otherwise she doesn't exist), but she was on her way to work so declined. She stupidly texted him a few days later and they've started up texting again 🤡 A few weeks into this shitpile of a text-ationship he asks, 'I don't suppose you're free in November for a trip around Europe'. She responds yes, she is. When she told me this, I tried not to slap her, but I did tell her to not go on that trip. So this scrote has no intention of being in a relationship with my friend; can't even commit to a proper date, but wants to travel around Europe with her. What a steaming pile of shit.
>Do they think we are dancing monkeys with no lives of our own and will drop everything to travel the world with a man we barely know?
They do. The most common trait in every LVM I've ever dealt with is no thought whatsoever for my thoughts, dreams, comfort, happiness. I was treated like an inanimate object instead of a sentient being.
LVM are delusional. They literally have no empathy for women and don't stop to think about what we want, or that we might have our own life plans. I think that's why so many men are struggling now, more than ever. They grew up thinking they deserved women and would easily find one and never imagined we'd have our own lives and that they'd have to make an effort to be allowed to join us in it.
BTW, it's very telling to me that those old guys at that event told you all that with a straight face but made no mention whatsoever of partnership. They want marriage benefits for free.
When I see these profiles, I wonder if they actually travel or are saying this to rope in young women with low funds and low standards. I've only ever got to know one guy who doesn't act like a tramp while travelling.
THIIIIS. The second they mention Thailand (it’s always Thailand with these cunts) I‘m done. No, Darren, you’re NOT going there to learn Muay fucking Thai. I know this and so do you.
Tbh I find this really weird too. Like maybe if it was like "I want a long term partner that I can travel with" it would hit different, but they just want a FWB for when they're backpacking that they can dump when they go home.
It reads like hire-a-free-escort to take on trips. But those girls will unlikely to want to go everywhere the scrotes wants to go or do the things they want to do. It's like a conflict waiting to happen.
The only other reason to lower the defense's of other women travellers where he can initiate 3some or something.
lots of em do want to settle down, they just cannot get a woman to stick around long enough to even plan a vacation in the near distant future.
Scrotes be lonely. Being on vacation by yourself amplifies how alone 1 really is. And don't forget insta and Facebook pics... gotta show ya bros living the life w a woman on your arm!
Essentially, it gets the "girlfriend experience" at a rock bottom price.
I'm suspicious as to how many women actually do this. I don't know anyone who has (or would). We've all got jobs and our own lives and a modicum of common sense.
Exactly, let's ask the question, how many women go on holiday with a complete stranger who's only looking for a free fuk? Possibly free dinner from the free prostitute too! C'mon women think smarter collectively PLEASE!
Has anyone read the recent story of the American scrote who traveled to Germany and threw two women off a cliff after he tried to sexually assault them at a tourist spot? He was a loner obsessed with video games and probably p*rn too, those seems to go hand in hand. This is the kind of guy I think about who says he wants a partner to travel the world when he first meets you.
Of course we also can't forget Brian Laundrie, he wanted to travel the country with his girlfriend but instead ended up killing her halfway through their travels.
I made the mistake of traveling with some loser I barely knew from India when I was traveling in South Asia and he ended up being a malignant narcissist predator who was a cheater and liar and he abused the h*** out of me and caused me to develop complex PTSD. Since then I've told myself that I will never travel with a man again unless he's my husband. Some loser who took me for coffee and drinks (I know I know this was almost 2 years ago) asked me to 'take him with me'when I go back out to Nepal traveling at some point in the future. Of course he'd probably expect it to be on my dime..
God Indian men are the one of the most depraved creatures on planet ! Never again ! They grow up thinking women as properties ! Never again
Unknown member
Jun 22, 2023
I would never go travelling with a man I hardly knew. It's so dangerous. He could be an abuser and then you're alone with him in a foreign country with no one to turn to. He could be a sex trafficker. He could be a conman i.e. you could wake up one morning to find he's run off with all your belongings and valuables (including your passport). The possibilities are endless and not in a good way. Also if a man wants to travel, why not travel with male friends rather than a woman he hardly knows?! I find that suspicious in itself. Either he's up to no good or he doesn't have any male friends. Both are red flags.
Iam noticing this too ! “ want someone advantageous, fun to travel with ” 🤡🥴 It’s pathetic and I always swipe left on them they are bad news time wasters
OMG!!!!!!! Every other damn profile has this! "This year I want to travel more", "Give me travel tips for Europe", "I want someone to go on adventures with".
I want to travel too, but I don't put it in my profile.
Unknown member
Jun 25, 2023
Replying to
As though wanting to travel is a personality trait! Idiots.
'Give me travel tips for XX'. Um, no, I'm neither your friend nor Tripadvisor.
Men that say stuff like this give me international human trafficker vibes. These guys are are trying to trick financially dependent women onto a plane under the guise of a "free vacation"
I swiped on a scrote and regretted it for other reasons , but he put something along the lines of wanting to go on a big travel adventure. I asked for details. He said he needs to pay off debt first ….
“Travel partner” in my experience has always meant “I will abuse/rape you until you are too depressed to explore the place we’ve come to together and I can feel superior about that.” Sad, pathetic, dangerous.
I think “travel partner” is code for “be my sexual outlet for the week I’m in Europe.” 😂
Then again so many men these days seem to be losing interest in sex in lieu of porn and video games. I could be missing the mark entirely.
Disgusting 50-50 bullshit.
Travel buddy means split expenses and have bad sex with a scrote.
Troll them. Troll them hard.
I'm noticing this too. It's pathetic! They're too inept to travel on their own and too emotionally stunted to commit to a relationship. I have two recent examples.
1. At a speed dating event a few months ago I met two men in their early 50s who wanted to 'retire within the next 5 years' and were looking for someone with whom to 'travel the world'. I'm not old enough to think about retiring, but even if I was, there is something off about this proposition. Do they think we are dancing monkeys with no lives of our own and will drop everything to travel the world with a man we barely know?
2. A friend who has strong pick-me tendencies updated me recently about a scrote who she had been vaguely dating last year who basically ghosted her. They bumped into each other and he asked if she was free right now for a coffee (that's the kind of guy he is - if she happens to be around, he'll ask her out, but otherwise she doesn't exist), but she was on her way to work so declined. She stupidly texted him a few days later and they've started up texting again 🤡 A few weeks into this shitpile of a text-ationship he asks, 'I don't suppose you're free in November for a trip around Europe'. She responds yes, she is. When she told me this, I tried not to slap her, but I did tell her to not go on that trip. So this scrote has no intention of being in a relationship with my friend; can't even commit to a proper date, but wants to travel around Europe with her. What a steaming pile of shit.
When I see these profiles, I wonder if they actually travel or are saying this to rope in young women with low funds and low standards. I've only ever got to know one guy who doesn't act like a tramp while travelling.
Tbh I find this really weird too. Like maybe if it was like "I want a long term partner that I can travel with" it would hit different, but they just want a FWB for when they're backpacking that they can dump when they go home.
lots of em do want to settle down, they just cannot get a woman to stick around long enough to even plan a vacation in the near distant future.
Scrotes be lonely. Being on vacation by yourself amplifies how alone 1 really is. And don't forget insta and Facebook pics... gotta show ya bros living the life w a woman on your arm!
Essentially, it gets the "girlfriend experience" at a rock bottom price.
Code for "free prostitute"
Why would you travel around with a Stranger? Makes no sense, why are some women not more suspicious?
Has anyone read the recent story of the American scrote who traveled to Germany and threw two women off a cliff after he tried to sexually assault them at a tourist spot? He was a loner obsessed with video games and probably p*rn too, those seems to go hand in hand. This is the kind of guy I think about who says he wants a partner to travel the world when he first meets you.
Of course we also can't forget Brian Laundrie, he wanted to travel the country with his girlfriend but instead ended up killing her halfway through their travels.
I made the mistake of traveling with some loser I barely knew from India when I was traveling in South Asia and he ended up being a malignant narcissist predator who was a cheater and liar and he abused the h*** out of me and caused me to develop complex PTSD. Since then I've told myself that I will never travel with a man again unless he's my husband. Some loser who took me for coffee and drinks (I know I know this was almost 2 years ago) asked me to 'take him with me'when I go back out to Nepal traveling at some point in the future. Of course he'd probably expect it to be on my dime..
I would never go travelling with a man I hardly knew. It's so dangerous. He could be an abuser and then you're alone with him in a foreign country with no one to turn to. He could be a sex trafficker. He could be a conman i.e. you could wake up one morning to find he's run off with all your belongings and valuables (including your passport). The possibilities are endless and not in a good way. Also if a man wants to travel, why not travel with male friends rather than a woman he hardly knows?! I find that suspicious in itself. Either he's up to no good or he doesn't have any male friends. Both are red flags.
Iam noticing this too ! “ want someone advantageous, fun to travel with ” 🤡🥴 It’s pathetic and I always swipe left on them they are bad news time wasters
OMG!!!!!!! Every other damn profile has this! "This year I want to travel more", "Give me travel tips for Europe", "I want someone to go on adventures with".
I want to travel too, but I don't put it in my profile.
It's a new variety of things men want women to pay for them. Not only go halfsies on rent or mortgage, pay for their travel too.
Remember Gabby Petito owned the van they were traveling on.
Men that say stuff like this give me international human trafficker vibes. These guys are are trying to trick financially dependent women onto a plane under the guise of a "free vacation"
I swiped on a scrote and regretted it for other reasons , but he put something along the lines of wanting to go on a big travel adventure. I asked for details. He said he needs to pay off debt first ….
It they just want a “travel partner”, then they can ask one of their bros.
No woman in her right mind would accept a trip with a stranger man. At best it's being used for hotel money, at worst it's literal seggs traffickers
“Travel partner” in my experience has always meant “I will abuse/rape you until you are too depressed to explore the place we’ve come to together and I can feel superior about that.” Sad, pathetic, dangerous.