These spammy posts about hiring escorts are getting on my nerves, It's not just one but it's like squashing one cockroach and more crawl out of the ass of an XY creature that keeps on doing this.
Why can't we make a FDS shrine elsewhere? It doesn't have to be a website. It can be a rumble channel or TikTok.
Joining other communities is not the solution, Women need FDS more than ever. I don't feel comfortable with the 4B community because they allow the dudes in drag in, WGTOW, Fourthwavewomen, Xchromosome is not safe, and even the recent sub where women come together and mock the silly comment a trump supporter made that women who rather have careers than they are 'bitter cat ladies' caters to delusion.
They make it clear that Frankenstein transvestites are welcomed because a woman is someone who 'Identifies' as one completely ignoring the true definition.
FDS is the only safe space we had from the loony Timmies and pickme behavior.
I will join whatever platform we all decide. I need this community.