This man goes full on incel on a random woman he had one conversation with. Insane. I really reccomend checking out burbnbougie btw, she’s brilliant love her content very much FDS aligned
That dude was fully in hysterics over the woman who didn’t reply to him!
Love seeing the comment from a woman who married a younger man in her 30s. My mom is also 6 years older than my dad, and my dad still worships her nearly 40 years later.
I really think young men overestimate their projected value at 50+… unless they’re filthy rich or famous, they’re unlikely to get young women to date them just for rides in their mid-tier sports car.
No, they’ll be paying for sugar babies to butter them up with over-the-top fake praise, in exchange for luxury handbags, jewelry, and their college tuition paid. They’ll finally have money to pay pretty young women to give them attention.. which is what this guy wanted from the start.
She believes in Frankenstein's transvestite rights. Sorry I don't believe she is a champion for women. You're not with us if you agree with troons entering our space.
I wary these male trans activists the most. They want to keep the gates open so that they can wake up one day and be like “I’m a lady” so that they can take advantage of this movement.
I’ve mentioned this before but I’ll say it again for any other loony troons activist to understand this too. Frankenstein transvestites are not our allies. There is a growing group called Trans Maxxers where men transition so that they can have our rights. One of the rights he enjoys the most is the right to enter female spaces.
Yet I need to believe that these trans beasts are not a threat to our rights? Yeah and Donald Trump never said he wants to grab wo,en by the pussy.
Lol it's so fun isn't it for them... To just wake up and say that!
Meanwhile in our childhood our parents taught us how to avoid men, watch out for weirdos. We were so excited to grow up. We couldn't wait to have breasts and blah blah. Then the boys on the playground are snapping your bra and you're bleeding through your pants in gym class. The monthly pain means you miss out on things you love to do or you can't exercise like you want to. All of the sudden you are nothing more than a sex object for any men within a 50 mile radius of you at any given time. It's all eyes on you all the time and not in a good way. Then our male "friends" try to have sex with us and don't take, "No" as an answer or get angry. Many of us get sexually assaulted. All of us end up fearing for our lives around men multiple times throughout our lives. You start realizing that nobody believes anything you say. If it's you vs. a male, guess who will be believed? If it's you vs a female, society deems it as catty and not worth hearing. You watch your male classmates get praised for bare minimum and your brothers are coddled and can never do anything wrong. They can stay out however late, but you better be home on the dot or you'll pay. Embracing your sexuality gets you called a slut and hiding it gets you called a prude. You start to learn that everything you do is just flat out wrong. Men and people in power talk over you and talk at you and nobody really cares about what you have to say. If you stick up for yourself you are combative, if you take it they never quit. And standards? Forget it. The whole world is trying to convince you you're worthless, ugly, and need to settle for well... just anyone. Want to be a SAHM??? Lazy gold digger. Want to build your career? Cold and not motherly enough. Want to do both? You better have nerves of steel because chances are you got duped into marrying a man who doesn't cherish nor help you.
Oh then comes menopause. Looks like a blast to go through. You'll be so hopped on Prozac you'll try to climb out of a closed window at night in your sleep. And yay, another neverending flow of hormones. Only after menopause would you get the sweet relief of no hormones jarring your emotions and only then will you be able to see what it was really like all along for men and without hormones driving your moods. And only then, probably, will you understand how nice it is to just not flux like that every single month since you were 12.
I love being a woman. I truly do. But this is all a part of it and I really take our burdens seriously and hold them close to my chest, because it's a full package and it's our full package. Our truth is ours and ours only.
There is absolutely no way a trans man would ever get it. Ever. I'll never accept them as women. They can wake up and feel like dabbling with a skirt. Sure, buddy, you do you. Get the skin taken off your leg to make that highly coveted vagina that gets us raped, murdered, stalked, and then watch the whole world try to convince the actual women around you that it isn't special... but you'll absolutely never convince me that you are a woman and we won't be welcoming you with open arms.
As women, we need to fight this stuff and fight it hard.
I agree with everything you say, Nobody shouldn’t accept them as women because they are biological men. It doesn’t matter what they chop off, it doesn’t matter what they take or spend a million on their face. The old man’s breath and odor will go through that creature any time. If troons are allowed to enter then why not other men too? Both are men so what’s the difference between a delusional transvestite on estrogen and a normal man?
If they were forced in a third catagory Im 100% certain none of them would come out as trans, its a sick fetish. In the open Olympics none of them show up because they need to compete against other men too, and it does not grant them access to women spaces.
Ask yourself why are they so obsessed with wanting the same space as us?
The Answer is obvious, because they are predators and voyeurs. A boys wet dream has always been invading women spaces without getting in trouble. And that’s what these nasty vermin are getting right now.
That dude was fully in hysterics over the woman who didn’t reply to him!
Love seeing the comment from a woman who married a younger man in her 30s. My mom is also 6 years older than my dad, and my dad still worships her nearly 40 years later.
I really think young men overestimate their projected value at 50+… unless they’re filthy rich or famous, they’re unlikely to get young women to date them just for rides in their mid-tier sports car.
No, they’ll be paying for sugar babies to butter them up with over-the-top fake praise, in exchange for luxury handbags, jewelry, and their college tuition paid. They’ll finally have money to pay pretty young women to give them attention.. which is what this guy wanted from the start.
These scrotes don't think that they age?😂
Thank you! This ☝️
Content like this would fit better under Scrote Nonsense
Scrotation report means the reports on our dating and dating multiple men until a HVM commits and we agree to a relationship.
Example -
She believes in Frankenstein's transvestite rights. Sorry I don't believe she is a champion for women. You're not with us if you agree with troons entering our space.