I just looked at the Wendy Williams case where the scrote is suing her for more money, he cheated and knocked his fling up and expects her to help raise his love child on her expense. I don't know If a prenup could have saved her from this parasite scrote but at the manosphere you hear the crickets chirp. So many women have been exploited by men and gets swept under the rug but a woman will go semi viral if she does the same thing.
"In almost every household the girls are raised but the boys are loved". (Not my quote) And I have seen that happen way too often. Nobody would interfere If I get mistreated but the golden children who are usually men are protected from any form of discipline even if they have done something bad like shop lifting or vandalism.
It’s a growing trend I am not seeing studies on or covered in the news —of men using the divorce laws originally created to protect women and using them against their wives when their wives reject them. I know so many successful women who dumped their loser leech husbands only to end up having to pay him spousal support, sell their homes (even if it was hers from before the marriage), lose half their retirement savings to him, and pay him child support even if he’s just a deadbeat every other weekend dad. These men don’t need these supports and laws, they’re just taking advantage of them because courts never made them gender specific —and they want to hurt their ex wives in any way they can. The courts just let them and they call it ”fair”. Being common law doesn’t protect women either —your forever boyfriend can still run off with your money and assets when you break up. He can also get visitation or custody of your kids —even if the kids aren’t his! The only way to avoid being financially and emotionally r*ped when you dump a man is to never have cohabitated, never mixed finances, and never let him have a parental relationship with your children.
In my own family court case the female judge said she’d give my alcoholic abusive ex whatever he asked for and all the access to the kids he wants just because he asked (because how rare for a man to ask). Then she’d spend 20-30 minutes every court date attacking me and calling me a liar. My family didn’t support me in any way with court, not even emotionally. They don’t help me with childcare. My dad actually said I deserve to be on welfare and lose my kids just because I’m a single mom. My ex’s family gave him money to hurt me in court, to pay his lawyer to send me non stop threatening letters and coercions to sign insane paperwork. They help him with childcare and have lied for him when he’s not free for scheduled visits. They gave him a car and pay his insurance. They clean up all his mistakes and enable him. But I’m “on my own” because it was my choice to leave an abuser. I’m in a conservative area and lost all local friends and acquaintances once I became a single mom. No one will talk to me or help me. Even all the local “resources” treat me like trash and regularly threaten to take my kids. Everyone thinks single mom = broke trash. No one cares that I’m a successful business woman and have been the sole breadwinner and sole caregiver for my kids their whole lives. It‘s incredibly isolating and incredibly depressing to see his family and the community support his trashy ass while abandoning me. I can’t even move anywhere due to a court order.
Sorry, that got dark. Don’t be me ladies. Never date a man who makes less money than you and always run as soon as your man finds himself unemployed —especially if you suspect he’s done it on purpose to live off of you (this is also on the rise). Also run if your career suddenly levels up to the point your man could never catch up to your pay increase.
Everyday I lose more interest in getting a life partner.
The perfect example of patriarchal projection. Marriage is the first system of slavery in the entire world, all other oppressions are based off of the original man hanging women kind. Women were beaten, forced, raped, little girls slaughtered, all for marriage. I agree that divorce benefits women, we can finally have a change to escape from our enslavers. However the court system I still run and owned by male supremacists, look at all the cases of literal pedos who are still allowed 50/50 custody. Republicans threatening to end no fault divorce is dangerous to us because it's what abused women do to make a clean break from their man--it's impossible to convince the ancient white scrote judges that your husband beat you.