Idk about you but back in 2018 down, when there wasn't "anti simping sigma males passport bros" shit that are taken seriously by mainstream society, everybody would laugh at Andrew Tate and men like him. Misogyny on the internet wasn't rampant with "skill issues" when a woman talked about being raped. Those kind of comments were minor. Now it's literal KIDS, CHILDREN and men who aren't "losers" (by that I meant popular and handsome) who LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEE those guys. Tiktok is now rampant with people making fun of rape survivors. What the hell happened??? When I was in middle and high school, regardless of gender everyone would agree that's fucked up. Where the empathy or even sympathy go???
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It's not the worst thing in the world. What you're witnessing is bottom of the barrel men self selecting out of natural selection - they're making it obvious to women that they should stay away from them, as opposed to manipulating them into relationships the way they used to in the past. Women aren't standing for their bullshit anymore and so they thankfully aren't trying to manipulate them using sex posi libfem rhetoric anymore. Phew.
The world is out of balance. The planet is hypermasculinized. There are simply too many men on this planet. In China alone, they have 70 million more men than women due to their 1 child per family law, which made the parents abort the females. When you have too much masculine energy, it becomes like a cancer to the planet.
People get weird when isolated, so I think lockdowns worldwide had a huge effect on it. Less interaction with sane people, more echo chamber of the insane shit and in my experience men are especially easy to influence if you know the triggers.
Problem is, now that the world is slowly coming back to normal this insane shit is still making the rounds. I am all for free speech but I feel that people who are downright harmful (i.e. incel communities) should not be allowed the megaphone of social media. We need much better ways of dealing with this type of mental illness and we are woefully under-prepared to manage it.
Oh, and doesn't help that algorithms are designed to push what you watch, so the more the men watch this the more it gets pushed and the deeper the hole gets dug.
The economic and political scales tipped out of the grasp of male domination over women. It’s patriarchy’s last gasps.
TikTok is what happened
Worldwide narcissistic abuse by our evil ruling “elite” has basically farmed a world full of narcissists. They’re purposely pulling everyone apart so that “The Great Reset” goes off without a hitch. If men loved and respected women, would they acquiesce to the NWO future of being locked into a pod having no relations with the outside world, a robot girlfriend, and vacations in front of the computer? They have to make us hate each other to curb population growth and any backlash against their plans (UN Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Agenda 2050, Megacities On the Move: Planned-Opolis, The Great Reset, The 4th Industrial Revolution, etc.). Things will only get much worse, since most people cannot wait to comply with the orders of our diabolical overlords.
I think that men have always had that side inside of them... I dont think its anything new. Only thing that Andrew Tate did, was to have a platform where his rhetoric and jargon found supporters. And of course, the echo-chamber. TikTok reveals the dark and twisted thoughts of men, by their algorithm, they know what they want to watch. Here the men feel seen and heard for their dark thoughts, and suddenly it becomes ok and normalized. And they know that many other guys support the same thought process by reading the comments and seeing the upvotes/likes etc. Therefor they are not as afraid to expressing these dark and extreme thoughts anymore. The more they expresses it, and the more it circulates in different social media platforms, it becomes increasingly normal, not just for them, but for other too. And in the ecco-chamber, they are not challenged on these thoughts.
Its a big comfort to be able to blame others and society for your own misery. Now incels and semi-incels have an open space for them.
Andrew Tate is garbage - but he is taking money from these men who wants to be like him... He is laughing on the way to the bank, he dont care about the followers. And they are too dumb to notice.
Because lawlessness abounds the love of many will grow cold....
I wish i had an answer for all this but all I can do is empathize. 😔 It is really disturbing how the internet and "sex positive" culture have made many people think both covert and (now) outward misogyny is acceptable.
Even ten years ago I think a lot of women were convinced by the manosph*re that they were a legitimate counter argument, because they felt they had to be "fair" and "debate their counterargument." On massively popular websites like Youtube, you can see a lot of older videos/posts where r*dpillers, M*TOW, carried on about "tHe WaLl." I saw some go on about how awful "Western women" are. Treating a woman to a date was "bad." Hypergamy was proof of women being evil and heartless (🙄🙄🙄). They considered a woman only dating men who make as much money as her (aka able to support himself) to be "hypergamous." They literally thought it was a men's rights issue when women had any standard or preference in dating. Even the most liberal, male-pandering libfems drew ire from these groups.
IMO women who are young, naive, and/or are not truly aware of how oppressed women are/have been, are more susceptible to falling for this. Men's "r*ghts" activists i think had surface arguments that seemed sympathetic enough to convince young adult women (e.g. when they are often pressured to be OpEn MiNdEd). But a lot of these groups' arguments were not in good faith, and they were more focused on demonizing women rather than addressing any issues men experience. If women brought up an issue, it was always "men have it worse," "what about men," or "when women do [insert bad thing] it's so much worse than when men do it." I remember seeing a lot of hateful rhetoric about women having to "take accountability" whenever something went bad for them, even if it wasnt their fault. Lundy Bancroft even called out these activists on his blog.
Now, the 2020s are scary. Yes, misogyny (overt and covert) has always existed. But come on, it's 2023! We might wonder why we aren't past these issues by now. imo we evolved from 2010s "activists" and bad faith ("you don't care about men's issues" arguments) to an addition of more prominent outwardly aggressive/misogynistic types. A lot of men and women today mistake aggressive, violent, abusive, controlling men for "strong," assertive, ambitious men. 🤮
It disturbs me how so many men (such as Andrew Ta*e and people emulating him) aren't even trying to hide misogyny anymore. They are often bold about it and don't even dress it up with a thin veil of "I'm not supposed to say this." It is simply said with no shame.
The best thing we can do at this point is keep in touch with others who are aware of the problem and have not subscribed to this poison. I think keeping FDS standards will help this hopefully fall out of fa. I appreciate you for speaking out about the madness and pushing back.
yea at school i’ve heard guys have red pill talking points. that’s why idc about dating anymore
A few things- economic prosperity for women, allowing them to be more selective, more acceptance of single and queer people, and men not being able to keep up (by, say, developing the interpersonal skills women have had to, in order to preserve their safety) to where men can offer something substantial to a woman, to enhance her life. Men didn’t really have to do much more than earn in the past. They are struggling with even that now, in late stage capitalism. They are frustrated and, as the only emotion considered acceptable in toxic masculinity, they lash out in anger. We are the mothers, we were always supposed to soothe them. Where are the mothers??!! It’s like one big, banging fist on a table, every day. Surely the way things are going, it will curb population growth. I don’t know if that’s by design as another commenter remarked, but I do think that the powers that be do not care (maybe even welcome it). Because if we learned anything from the pandemic, if the world’s most powerful want to get particular messaging across, by God they will. And there is no mass messaging suggesting that men become more likable- which we know damn well will be far more effective than Won’t Someone Think Of The Poor Men?, which most women do not take well to- so that women will want to procreate with them.