For Christ’s sake, stop texting me. I hate long drawn out text conversations. I’m busy. I’m working. I’m reading. Walking the dogs. Living my life. I’m not on my phone
I was told women were the stereotypical “text all day everyday”, “head stuck in their phones”, “constantly need attention” types.
In my experience, men are BILLIONS times worse! SO MUCH WORSE! AGH!
Do you ladies experience this? The absolute CONSTANT need for CONSTANT contact. The desperate pull for CONSTANT attention. Like a 3-year-old who can’t stand his mom looking out the window instead of at him.
These men are solidly middle-aged. Is this what happens to them? They spent their teens and 20s glued to their video games, and then in their 30s and 40s their gamer bros move on and have families, and the leftovers are suddenly alone in the world and panicking about it?? And need women to be the end-all, be-all, center of their universe and cater to them, mommy mcbangmaid style?!
Everything men accuse women of is projection