It's ALWAYS cats or lions too. Scrotes like to compare themselves to lions (which, tbh they wouldn't be wrong. Lions and scrotes are practically the same. They hunt less and eat more, kill cubs, fight with other males for dominance, are aggressive towards the females and have multiple female partners in their pride)
I've witness scrotes arguing about feminism under videos about lionesses and claim that the lionesses need the males. Just now, I'm watching this YouTube channel named World Of Cats. The "star" of the channel is a stray the creator named "angry white cat".
I'm kind of side eyeing the creator because he's far too jumpy and aggressive towards this cat. He keeps petting her over head when it's clear that scares her. This cat has been traumatized and it's really annoying watching him take forever to give her food.
I think it's weird he labelled this cat "angry" when she's actually scared for her life. She's dirty, she's hungry, and she's constantly on guard. Anyway, a commenter mentioned that she was looking at her surrounding and seems much more scared than usual.
And some scrote kept saying there was probably some bigger cat that "beat her ass and is probably going to do it again". He commented that multiple times. Its so bizarre. I've seen scrotes do this multiple times towards this one specific cat.
I understand she's really mean towards other cats on camera, but I blame the idiot creator for putting piles of food very close together near the white cat. He shouldve had her food in a different spot so she didn't feel the need to defend herself..
I saw scrotes saying they hope other cats overpower her multiple times and I'm just like wtf is this behavior? And it's ALWAYS with cats or any kind of feline too. I very rarely see them do this with other animals.
I can't say I'm shocked though, because archetypically (sorry to get all jungian on you) women and cats are linked. When you think cat, you associate it with women. Even when the cat is male. It's no wonder cats are the subject of scrotes projected misogyny.
Have you ever seen anything like this?
Male Lions are lazy, the female does the hunting, they sleep, the female rasie the cubs and trach them how to hunt while the Lion slees, they do nothing all day but they get to eat and be the Alpha. At times they can't even protect the group and the lionesses need to make the intruder leave. Even in the wild men do nothing, So the fact that they compare themselves to lions says more about them.
They never call themselves the barn owl because the Barn owl stays with its mate until death and raise the chicks together.
They do this with all female animals and it's disgusting.
I will never forget one scene I witnessed because it disgusts me to this day: My aunt and uncle had a small party and they had recently gotten a new dog and she was being kind of jumpy because she was in her first heat (she was too young to get neutered yet), so my uncle asked the visitors to leave her alone. And then one man who was some kind of work colleague said "She just needs to get fucked!" and my uncle just stared at him and said "Excuse me?" and the colleague said "Just hold her tight by the collar and get a male dog to fuck her and she'll be much calmer!"
I don't exactly know how the scene ended but there was a fight and the colleague left but I will never forget it. That guy essentially proposed that they should hold their dog down and get another dog to rape her to make her "calm down". I'm 100% sure that's not the only rape fantasy he got off on.