I also love how men blame their loneliness on women having more freedom and "high" standards. Have men ever realized that they're just lazy, boring, and need to stop playing so much video games and watching porn? Actually men don't even need to stop doing that because there's ton of terrible men like this that some how got a gf, maybe it's just their lack of effort of even trying and waiting for that magic special woman to crawl to their pathetic dick. Or is it just based on pure luck?
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I know what it's like to be lonely, I have experienced it but unlike men I don't feel sorry for myself and I actually take action to combat it. I find solace in hobbies, music, and the things I love and appreciate others doing for me I do for myself, B day presents, xmas presents I take care of those, do I want a bbq? I do it. I don't want to listen to men whine that they are alone while they do nothing about it.
There is a bumble bff app, use it, make friends online and meet up in public. Personally I think a brief chat with a fellow woman is more than enough for me, I don't need to hang out with people the whole day. When I go somewhere at a party or gathering I always meet new people and in some cases and I befriend a few. It's called not being creepy. I wished men knew how to do that.
Absolutely right. When men are lonely, it's suddenly a global mental health crisis. When women are lonely, nobody cares. People don't see lonely women, they are invisible, so they assume women don't get lonely because every woman they notice already has lots of attention on her. I know what it's like to not be seen. I know what it's like to be the nerdy weird one who's never invited, never anyone's first choice. But men think women like me are either lying or don't actually have it that bad. It is crushing, though. On top of that there is a profound loneliness in having people around you but never being understood, never having your needs take priority for once. I'd even argue that THIS is a loneliness men will never understand.
Here's the difference: males externalize the reason for their loneliness. It's other pplz fault they are sad
"I'm lonely because women's standards are too high"
I'm lonely bc I don't make 6 figures"
I'm lonely bc I'm not an attractive Chad who women hit on"
It's this externalization that causes their perpetual anger and hatred towards women.
Men have this bizarre notion that every woman walks out the door and is showered with attention. Try being an obese woman who has men spitting on her, who people only reject and abandon and treat like nothing. That's been my life for over 30 years.
My loneliness is deep and almost destroyed me until I decided to take back my power and love myself despite all the horrible messages I received from this toxic world.
I rarely knew love or care from people for much of my life, but I give those things to myself now and I do receive them from some close friends.
We are not all gorgeous goddessss who have people falling at our feet the way men seem to believe. Come live in my body one day and tell me I don't know loneliness. These men wouldn't survive an hour. That's how I know I am strong.
I do have a few people who care about me and the loneliness is not as crushing as it once was but it has done real damage.
Men are delusional. And I agree with other comments about women doing more to combat the loneliness. I read and write and reach out and keep trying to connect. Men have only themselves to blame for their loneliness.
They are lonely because of their own God damned behaviors! They treat women like shit, they refuse to have any ambition or goals, they refuse to help us with basic life chores, they expect to be coddled like their fucking mothers did (or make up for what their mothers didn't do) but when we say NO THANK YOU, they whine about being alone, instead fixing themselves!!!
Yes men are all so complicated and misunderstood, not like women who are simple and live life on easy mode. Please give me a break! 🙄
Loneliness is a guide. A guide to what your soul needs. Who makes you feel less lonely? What makes you feel lonely? Plenty of social butterflies are lonely. True intimate connection is rare in our society and you will only find it if you listen to your soul.
The attention women get, by far, is negative attention. I don't enjoy getting hit on every single time I walk out my door, then have my life threatened when I reject them. I don't like it AT ALL, frankly. I would love to be invisible.
I can empathise. When I was a teenage girl, I was very unattractive. People (not just men but also pick-mes) acted like I was invisible. People only spoke to me to mock me or criticise me. (I wouldn't have minded if the criticism was constructive but it never was).
.... We are more familiar with being lonely than they are.
So many men base their entire identity around their masculinity, which isn't inherent to anyone really. Masculinity is always externally motivated and requires constant external validation to even exist, and a huge part of this validation is "getting girls" whether that's getting laid a lot, having a girlfriend, any woman's attention, or a wife and kids to be able to play the "head of the household" game.
Everyone gets lonely, it's part of being human, but these men? Loneliness makes them disappear entirely. They lose themselves in it, they lose their entire sense of identity because they're putting their worth, their self-esteem and sense of purpose on external factors. They project their existential dread on the entire world, arguing that "men are only seen when they are useful" because they themselves don't base their own value on who they are but on what they HAVE, or what they're "able to pull" be it hot girls, 6 figures, whatever, and that standard is of course based on whatever male competition they perceive.
Sometimes they conflate all of these things, and start thinking they want or need this or that (let's say a 6 figure salary) to get something else that they want or need (a woman's affection, a standing in society). Really they want a sense of community, of belonging, when you're able to get your needs met and help people with meeting their needs (yet notice how they often expect the first part of this bargain while blissfully ignoring the second part). But they're going at it the wrong way, and as they're completely incapable of turning inwards, they blame external factors. Society. Women. Same old.
The standard for femininity used to be linked to masculinity. Back then, you weren't a real woman if you "couldn't get a man" and be used by him. But this is disappearing. Women are starting to understand that they're more than a household appliance, a baby maker or a warm comforting hole. And they're thriving as a result.