How many of you heard this phrase growing up? How many of you watched women from the generation before you, frustrated with their husbands or hear them joke how iNcApAbLe they are at doing anything? How many of you were in relationships where his mother or your mother or other female relatives say this?
Men don't need to be trained. Their mothers (because let's face it, child-rearing falls on them anyway) should have done a better job teaching them life skills and not baby them.
If I ever get in a relationship, I expect him to be a functioning adult. I'm not "training" him to do anything. Men aren't dogs. This is just weaponized incompetence, and they have gotten away with it for far too long.

This ADHD excuse really bothers me. You see that very often in relationships like these where the dude puts in no effort around the household "forgets" birthdays, anniversaries etc. because of ADHD. I bet dollars to donuts that he is perfectly capable to keep up with deadlines at work or a quest in his video games. With planners and alarms in every smart phone there is no excuse to be this lazy. This is an excuse for their low effort, If the girlfriend complains she is the monster for not having his condition in mind. That really bothers me.
Weaponized incompetence is a huge issue with men from what I’ve seen. Especially my parents’ generation of men. My dad had once called my mom while we were 8 hours away visiting her side of the family because he couldn’t figure out how to work the dishwasher and he was blaming her for leaving.. he was an engineer… Men are manipulative and will play dumb to try to keep their wife/girlfriend at home serving them.
Jesus Christ I'm sick of men weaponizing mental health issues. I have ADHD myself and yes, I might forget something for the third time, but I WILL apologize, I WILL set myself reminders, I WILL get it done even if takes a little longer, I WILL take my meds and do all I can to manage this . This sort of commitment is the bare minimum. I'm not perfect and I won't say I can will myself into overcoming my symptoms all the time, but I'll stay committed to trying my best. What these dudes are doing is not trying their best, it's outright negligence.
Here is what my LVM-Ex "couldn't remember", because he "sometimes forgets things" due to his depression and MeNtAl IlLnEssEs:
- our anniversary (two months after he asked me to be with him)
- planning and booking vacations
- planning dates and reserving tables at restaurants
- paying his bills on time
- etc.
And NOW. There are the things he could magically remember 💫💫💫:
When war xy started/ended, same with revolutions, decades (he was really into history), when books and film xy came out and when all of his favourite authors/actors were born or have died
Almost every cd/vinyl record of all of his favourite bands, how much they are worth today, what tracks are on it and all the drama and gossip about his beloved musicians
When his next favourite vidja game were launched
Planning nights out with his boys for getting drunk and other stupid shit
Funny, isn't it?
Whoa whoa whoa. What's this about "their mothers should have trained them"? Fathers need to step up and do some of the work, too. Let's not blame mothers for everything.
Aaaand she's pregnant with this guys kid.
Nah, the training needs to be done by his family in childhood. Not your job.
However it is your job to NOT pander to him, which can lead to bad habits developing.
That poor lady 😢 Victim blamers here will tell her to leave but...getting a woman pregnant so she can't is literally the oldest trick in the NVM book. I just hope she has a HVW friend who can help her 🙏
men know exactly what they’re doing. if there’s a lack of respect, move on.
😬😬😬 I hate all of this
I've been dumped, rejected and abandoned a lot because men don't like that I don't tell them what I want. Why do I have to TELL or train a man to treat me right? I've had exes claim I'm lazy, crazy or boring because I don't move my ass lol. I mean obviously rejection hurts, that's normal, I don't like that I've suffered hurt over not training a man to treat me right either. I absolutely agree I should NOT have to be training men. It really hurts badly that I feel like I've been so good to people, regardless, how they treat me only for them to reject me or see me in a bad light. I am NOT responsible for training someone's son.
I recently cut contact with my brother because I think he was trying to use me as proxy for his female relationships. It's not my job as a sister to be training my brother how to treat other women in his life. It's not my job to train the scrote out of him, that is my parents job. My mom gets upset at me for not being more agreeable or how "you never know when you might need help someday" like WTF no man has helped me that wasn't my own father.